bumpusoot [none/use name]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • This isn’t down to you - A good percentage of modern day labour positions are absolutely soul-crushing, other employees tend to only survive it via years of practice deadening their own souls. I once got promoted and then quit my job one month later because dealing with management types absolutely ruined me, it took three weeks before I realised I was drinking every day just to survive. Thankfully I was in a vaguely financially able position to leave that job.

    Whatever you decide to do, I hope you do what’s best to take care of yourself meow-hug Please be assured that we are proud to have you as a comrade.

  • I can’t speak to the manga, but I watched the anime and enjoyed it. I hear you for the reasons you disliked it, but I disagree with the majority of it.

    I disagree with the claim Bondrewd was treated as not-overwhelmingly-evil - He is so obviously and face-slappingly the narrative villain and I don’t understand how it didn’t feel that way to you - was kidnapping and torturing orphans not clear enough??? Claiming that there is any kind of ‘endorsement’ of the horrors within the show is a take I find absolutely wild and borderline makes me question the sincerity of this as I have literally no idea how you’d come to that conclusion.

    I agree the protagonists’ failure to become lastingly traumatised is a little unbelievable, but honestly we see enough trauma in the show that I don’t mind the main characters being oddly impervious vessels for we the audience to just go continue the story. Again, though there could be better played growth, I disagree with the idea that there’s none at all. We see them grow smarter about the use of Reg’s powers and learn more about the world around them and use that to their advantage.

    I agree there are problematic aspects in the show and author, the show is undeniably gross for some spectacle and that the story is weak in a number of ways. I 100% get that it’s not a show for everyone, but I feel the show has other strengths that make it enjoyable and worthwhile for me.