So Barrett is DEI for voting against Trump. But Roberts is fine.
So Barrett is DEI for voting against Trump. But Roberts is fine.
Russia invaded Ukraine for the the purpose of conquest. Evidencd by the fact that they annexed Ukrainian land. We didn’t start it. Ukraine didn’t start it. Russia started it. It’s pretty cut and dry. But keep shouting your Kremlin talking points.
Didn’t Iraq have jets of their own? Didn’t Iraq have the latest SAM systems?
I love how you’re just making shit up and moving the goalposts
Did appeasing Hitler stop ww2? I’m advocating to stop ww3. That’s very reductionist of you, and not the truth at all. But you know that.
Modern example. Sure. Desert storm 1991. The Kuwaitis sure didn’t have to deal with an insurance after the Iraqis were kicked out.
And that’s one thing all your examples have in common. A guerrilla insurgency fighting an invading or occupying force. That’s not what will happen in Ukraine.
Give them what they need to win
There is no peace in which Ukrainian land is occupied by Russia. There is no peace if we don’t stand up to Putinnow. He’ll just start the war again in the future. You want a false peace now. I want peace long term.
So yes, like I said. The resource advantage. The money advantage. The population advantage. Etc… keep slicing that pizza into thinner slices though. “Look, Russia has this 1 whole slice! And look, a big part of this other slice!” Meanwhile the west and NATO have 7/8s of the rest of the pizza. Russia’s barley holding on with the woefully inadequate weapons we’ve been sending to Ukraine. But sure, keep telling yourself that Russia stronk.
Cause the US government has always been more comfortable with fascist regimes. Again, pick up a history book idiot.
No. People who repeat Kremlin talking points are Russian bots. I’m still waiting for your solution. That’s more evidence to you bottyness. You’re just trying to stir the pot while pretending to care
There is what we are currently vs. what we can. We CAN produce a lot more. We have the resource advantage, the population advantage, the money advantage, the heavy industry advantage.
It’s not a propaganda bubble. It’s basic fucking math
You have textbook RT talking points. It’s so fucking obvious you’re a russian asset at the very keast
Don’t pretend like you give a shit about Ukrainian lives.
Fighting fascists is a long standing tradition of the left. Pick up a history book idiot.
Guess India just lacked the manpower to kick out the Brits. Same with the Japanese and *checks notes, 4 American ships.
Weapons absolutely matter.
So you don’t actually want to talk solutions. I asked what is your solution? I will answer no more questions until you answer mine.
Out producing the west by itself? Bwahaahhahahahaa.
I meant civilian infrastructure. So like power stations or shipping centers that handle civilian goods or subways etc… If it carries a single artillery round it’s fair game.
Russia is importing North Koreans to fight. You think if Ukraine gets unlimited weapons the war will last 5 more years? What day of the 3 day invasion are we on now?
The only reason the war has lasted this long is because of the drip feeding of weapons. which was probably a ploy to extend the war and make defense contractors more rich. So yeah, end it quickly by giving Ukraine what it needs to win.
So, what’s your "totally realistic"TM solution?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. So it’s a sexist (and racist) dog whistle.