Actual Existing Communist - actually organized in a marxist leninist party in Brazil (PCB)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I won’t disclose much about my (actual) comrades’ work because duh.

    But basically they kicked out 80% of the UJC National Committee, which were elected in the UJC congress (separate from party’s, better ofc)

    The publix positions against the congress in the yourh have only come from some youth bootlickers up top, and we know them well. A couple of people who actually do work have sided with the CC, but very few in the grand scheme of things.

    In my state the support for the XVII Extraordinary Congress frm the youth is unanimous, and that’s way over 100 people. Many party cells are starting to come forward now that the purges have reached the base level of militants.

    To organize the congress we’re electing provisional committees to actually get things working per state/region and the debate tribune has been opened to the public by some of the comrades that have been kicked out, it’s all public and is curated by a provisional committee

    FYI, in the XVI Congress the debate tribunes werw only open to national delegates and went unused by the revisionists. In that congress we instituted a permanent tribune and it hasn’t gotten off the ground in over a year and a half. In the space of two weeks the PCB-RR one is working full steam, with multiple articles a day

    We will follow regular congress structure afaik after we elect our provisional regional committees

  • As an actual militant of the Brazilian Communist Party’s youth, the Communist Youth Union, (UJC):

    The situation is: the central committee that held on from the original coup in the party in 1992, despite actually holding onto the name, were a bunch of fucking revisionists for the most part (the PCB has a tradition of revisionism/reformism dating back to 1958) As new generation came in after 2013 to the communist youth, we got actually relevant again and the people doing the ground work actually learned shit for real, so in the last party congress (XVI, 2021) the CC started to feel threathened and started arbitrary expulsions and such, this culminated in an accord to keep most of the CC unchanged, get some dissidence in and stop the arbitrary purges. The actual party resolutions reflect more this new generation’s work, but the majority of the CC did not change hands. So, 2023 rolls around and the CC majority starts violating resolutions (namely participating in a Pro-Russia “anti-imperialist” platform that houses many reactionary parties such as CPGB-ML They do this in secret and do not inform the rest of the party, rest of CC finds out, threats against the ones trying to keep the party line start coming. Finally, the former secretary general (and oldest generation communist), Ivan Pinheiro actually releases to the public that even though the CC suspended participation in that platform, our secretary of international relations went to another meeting in Seoul (and a shit party’s congress). So things go public and the outright struggle against the CC starts, mass expulsions ensue and actual communists start organizing a way to fight back and calling for a party congress, more arbitrary shit ensues.

    A lot of old stuff comes to light, youth national committee is effectively dissolved by the CC, we just don’t recognize it and keep on working.

    Here’s the national committee of the communist youth statement in english:ão-da-juventude-comunista-communist-158035d27657

    Just for reference, in my state the entire communist youth and two party cells were purged. The State Committee that did this has covered for rapists and sexual harassers (and is about to bring a sexual harasser that was part of it that left back in)

    The youth is like 80% minimum on board with a new party congress to solve this shit (and at this point, a new name for the party pretty much). The percentage is only going to go up because we’re fucking right and are going to expose them. Has been real shit to learn some “comrades” were just shit stains all along tho

    TL;DR: petit-bourgeois revisionists can’t stand to lose the ideological struggle, kick out the party from the name.

    Edit: oh and by the way here’s the manifesto in defence of the Revolutionary Reconstruction (name of the period since the near dissipation of the party due to long term revisionism from '92-present, the CC wants to say we are already done reconstructing)

    You can find the actual debate tribune in that website too, to see what the actual communists are thinking. We’re dead set on making this congress happen with our without the electoral registration in our hands

    Also FYI: the youth is way ahead of the party, because we had relative autonomy from the bastards

  • We don’t want to take arms and do guerrilla war right now for fucks sake

    A communist party should strive first and foremost to organize the proletariat and create conditions for a revolution, you don’t get that by supporting a neoliberal government filled with banker money in its pockets (often from global conglomerates like Santander)

    You are complacent. Revolution cannot be build by neoliberal governments, only by organized worker’s struggle, and these governments only demobilize the working class, any serious reading of Brazilian history will show you that Lula’s government almost decimated union activity and other struggles

  • Lula represents the national bourgeoisie of Brazil, but they are, in the global affairs, playing a revolutionary role by opposing the West,

    The national bourgeoisie in the global south is subservient to imperialist capital and has no revolutionary potential, this is a read any serious communist party has. Also, he does not oppose liberalism at all, he is liberalism. Domestic policy is hardly better than Biden and he’s not nearly as combative a Kirchner/Fernandez

    that is something that cannot happen right now and it is better to strive for some economic stability.

    That is a straight up anti-revolutionary reading but go off

    Communists should unequivocally oppose Lula and push for radical and mass means, because he doesn’t do any of that. In fact his purpose is to disorganize our class

    Edit: ofc this doesn’t mean letting the fascists defeat him either. Making the proletariat more class conscious will only make our life easier, and to do that we must stand against Lula’s neoliberal policies

  • As a Brazilian organized communist,

    Just no. Especially his latest moves. In fact last night he just pushed a provisional measure (a law that can take effect now, go to congress later) to legalize cassinos and other gambling establishments. Effective immediately too

    He’s not done any actual reforms, just means tested welfare programs. In fact he privatized a bunch of stuff in his first tenure. He also signed the drug laws that shot incarceration rates sky high (in fact a comrade was arrested for possesing weed and not released for over a year despite not being sentenced).

    His job is making things seem “not all that bad” and keeping the forces of reaction well fed.

    I’m not mad at you for not knowing, but as a Brazilian Communist I am extremely angry at the fact they misled you

    Edit: I can go on and on and if y’all actually want me to. Don’t “support” this enemy of our class in front of me again.

    And yes, he’s better than the “electorally viable” alternatives, but we have second rounds for election so we vote communist!

  • It’s all nothing without putting it to practice tbh. I think practicing actual Marxism-Leninism is what’s lacking. Plenty of academic works exists if you know where to find them

    Not that I’m against making stuff more accessible, but I find that works best when allied to actual parties and such. In Brazil for instance plenty of my comrades in the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) are translating works from their source Russian texts and publishing them online and to books. Helps fundraise too.