Developer, Free Culture activist, self-hoster, auxlanger [EO-IO-LdP], translator-adapter, A11Y advocate, free-time gamer. Proudly self-hosting my instance from Santa Ana, Costa Rica. Posts generally in English and Spanish.
Desarrollador, activista de la Cultura Libre, promotor del autohospedaje, aficionado a las auxilenguas [EO-IO-LdP], traductor-adaptador, promotor de accesibilidad, juego videojuegos en mi tiempo libre. Orgullosamente autohospedando mi instancia desde Santa Ana, Costa Rica. Mensajes por lo general en inglés y español.
#fedi22 #english #español #esperanto #idolinguo #lingwadeplaneta #uropi #a11y #cybersecurity #gamer #selfhosting #costarica #freeculture #conlangs #softwarelibre #freesoftware #webdeveloper #linux #gnu #copyleft #creativecommons #foss #opensource #programming #security #technology #accessibility #a11y #tootfinder #tfr #searchable
Don’t worry about that one! I’ve been working in digital for about ten years already, self-hosting is a nice side gig I have for my own amusement
Believe it or not, self-hosting! I went from renting a VPS for $40 a month, to purchasing an entire $150 machine at home, plus $50 or so in additional storage, plus a $20 a month VPS solely to bypass NAT restrictions… plus a few hundred dollars more when I first started, because I cheaped out on components and managed to brick not one, but two Intel BIOSes trying to update them.
@[email protected] Regardless, the developers are now increasingly wary about “their” tools not being truly theirs anymore. Same goes for most of the infrastructure they rely on - social media, storage, distribution, the tools they use to design their assets with…