The stock market is on fire. Productivity is strong, and start-ups are booming. The United States’ GDP growth rate is double that of the European Union. The Biden administration helped create that economy.
Is this an admission about Nordstream?
The stock market is on fire. Productivity is strong, and start-ups are booming. The United States’ GDP growth rate is double that of the European Union. The Biden administration helped create that economy.
Is this an admission about Nordstream?
is basically the whole liberal Dem mindset.
we are better stewards of Pax Americana than the other options (disregard all the violence and death we are doing)
assassinate nazis by doing drive-by shootings on a bike
I’ve noticed this on mobile already. Maybe it’s just my carrier. I have to use wifi to view many of the smaller media outlets that are sympathetic to Palestine. When not using wifi, most of them just timeout.
From the Stadium to the Canal, Amsterdam will be free!
Jackson Hinkle
Jason Hickel
It is very confusing. If the first name has a K and the last name has a N, beware.
日本人と中国人は114514で分かりあう事が出来る それを忘れてはいけない
Japan and Chinese people can understand each other through 114514, don’t forget that.
new Cultural Hegemony Dengemony go brrrrrrrrrrr
When the parallels are quite literally staring you in the face, but zios claim it is just Sparkling Self Defense.
I stand with Anakin and his slaughter of entire communities out of pure hate
make a game about throwing balls at a target, and it just happens to be deeply racist
I thought for sure he would end up dying in a lithium fire in a Tesla, but it turns out he is going to end up dying in a lithium fire in his compound in Texas.