• 62 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Quelle opinion de marde. Le genocide à Gaza mérite toute l’attention en ce moment et il est impératif que le Québec envoi un message clair qu’on ne supporte pas l’état génocidaire d’Israël.

    Ces manifestants font le travail que le reste de nous ne pouvons pas faire à cause de nos obligations.

    Et puis so what s’il y a des sans abris dans le campement? Les moins nantis à Montréal se sont fait agressé à coup d’évictions et ces personnes n’ont plus le choix que de vivre dans des tentes partout en ville en se faisant pourchasser par la police. Tant mieux s’ils peuvent avoir un répit et avoir un peu de sûreté dans ce campement.

  • In Hochelaga, a 2 bedroom could go for about 1700$/month. So I’d look to split with a roommate.

    The neighborhood is pretty nice. You have close access to the green metro line that can take you downtown in 15 min and to most universities including McGill and Concordia and there are several bus lines as alternatives that can take you not only downtown but also in most hip neighborhoods with the bars and clubs. There’s also night bus lines directly from downtown for when your stay up too late. Most amenities are accessible in a 15-30 minute walk like groceries, pharmacy, there’s a small market at Marché Maisonneuve with specialty groceries. But there’s also low cost options like a Super C and Maxi. It’s relatively cheaper than the rest of Montreal and it’s very convenient. However it’s mostly francophone.

    Another similar neighborhood would be Verdun which is very similar to Hochelaga, but being in western Montreal, it’s more Anglophone. But I think the rent is more expensive.