I added more comments on the original post which describes the situation a bit more.
Don’t know what’s a good way to get the comments linked to this post.
Do take a look if you are interested.
I added more comments on the original post which describes the situation a bit more.
Don’t know what’s a good way to get the comments linked to this post.
Do take a look if you are interested.
Standards are set of rules. But still different vendors implement them separately. For e.g. TCP/IP stack implementation is a bit different in Windows and Linux but end user generally never realises this because it’s close enough that things still work. I want to know what is the sequence of events when Linux creates a Response packet for a ping Request it received.
This weirdly makes sense to me. Not long ago would have done the same.
One of the KDE devs sharing why it is ‘Mega Release’ from their perspective. Quite interesting to hear about all the things that go on in the background in software development. https://tube.kockatoo.org/videos/watch/e6e8f177-22f1-432a-9c7f-ab76b17a5b54
Figured it out. I had created 3 VMs but was trying to created shared storage between 2 xcp-ng instances. I assumed that this can be done and the 3 instance will only act as witness without contributing to the storage.
After going through many replies on the forum thread I understood that you need minimum 3 hosts participating in the storage. Modified my setup to match the requirements (was easy since they are just VMs) all the instructions worked correctly.
The error about missing linstor python module was that I hadn’t installed necessary packages on 3rd host in the pool since I assumed it doesn’t require XOSTOR instructions to be run on it since it would not be participating in shared storage. This is my understanding though and I can be wrong.
Having written above I think I can still have only 2 hosts participating in storage but just need to install necessary packages on third host also. Will try and see how it goes.
Notally on Android. Simple and light weight. Has widget support too.
Depends on where in the world you are too. See the video for a example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hge8FyrZ5A
So yeah, you numbers might vary but the point is correct.
Woah! Thanks for taking the time to write the detailed response. Will take a look at the source code. Really appreciate the effort ❤️