Don’t forget post birth abortions executions
Oooof, thankfully I’ve never had that happen with mine, but I’ve also never connected mine to the internet
6991, it has a robot
Do you need access to the Exit button if all the other menu and guide etc. buttons are covered?
But I grew up only 1 degree removed from nerds incessantly quoting Monty Python at each other, so obviously that’s the sweet spot and everything past that is bad and wrong
I saw it on television!
“the first amendment holds” lol, I wasn’t aware Lemmy was part of the US government
I’m sure a non-zero number of people responsible for the removal have imagined that and similar scenarios extensively
Yeah, I was gonna say “Just 1?”
Why does the right always make up things that make her sound cooler than she is?
Line must go down
You will be assassimated, resistance is futile.
It’s been about a week, go check if someone has already made a software that can generate these “dont dead open inside” sentences which make sense in both ways.
You doing ok?
Well yeah, it’s from an MTV ad. Weird that they changed the flag in this meme though. /s
women are better at discriminating between colors.
Well I’m red-green colorblind so I never stood a chance anyway. If it isn’t in a box of 8 crayons/markers, I don’t attempt to use that color’s name generally, cuz I will never pick the right shade. All the fuschias, magentas, maroons, burnt siennas, teals, cyans, etc. of the world can fuck off.
Hmmm, I wonder what it was about Obama’s election that bothers them so much more than earlier Democrats…