• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I disagree, I think it’s healthy as communists to be skeptical and do our due diligence and background checks before we start getting too confident in someone.

    I dodge this by keeping with my younger anarchist tendancy of having no idols, no gods, no masters.

    If I want to be inspired by someone I will look to someone I know in real life within my community. Media figures, celebs, they are all fake and manufactured. With people like Assange, western leftist ‘celebs’ (for lack of a better term) I just take what good they have to say and ignore the rest while assuming they have skeletons.

    Typically if I know about them in the first place they have passed some media check that they arent a serious threat to power. (Zizek, Chomsky)

    With Assange, the decades long campaign to have him put in solitary is enough for me to know the upper class are aware of the real threat he poses, hes still nothing id idolize but someone I will take the good from.

  • OK, Shouldn’t people see the real cost of war and how brutal it is?

    I dont think any of us are ignorant to this. Remember, every death is a tragedy when it is the working class getting blown up, there is nothing to celebrate about some random conscript who was probably a janitor or teacher and who has been forced to fight being killed.

    I want the war to end, today.