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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • You are right, they should rewrite the engine, but they didn’t and they preferred enforce the development on the re-re-re-re-re release of titles like skyrim for every possible platform on the plant.

    Look at what Larian did instead… Took 6 years, added beta access and listened to the players. BG3 is far from being bug-free or “perfect” but they released a game that give almost total freedom on how you can play it, and doesn’t feel like you are on rails every time.

    The problem is bethesda and others “AAA” software houses for years just did the lazy job and now that a software house showed what 6 years of real development should look like everyone is doing the Pikachu face and crying because “We don’t want BG3 to set a new standard”. The issue is us, the players, that keep buying shit for too much money.