sam, 34, ♈🌞♑🌛♐⤴️, sie/hir||they/them, chaotic genderqueer demon and future bigenital androgyne, pansexual, polyam-curious, adhd+autistic, (invisibly) disabled, anarcho-socialist, former apple evangelist turned linux novice and android noob, romantic satanist and daemonolator

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • i don’t remember the week, but my weekend started out fine with some unscheduled friend gaming hangouts but last night i had a huge anxiety attack and had to cancel a game (scheduled, that i host) and i just remembered i should’ve been playing pokémon rumble this entire time (it’s rumble weekend, would’ve been my first but i can’t stream it)

  • a concept of radical feminism, feminist separatism, believes in reshaping society to separate women from men. it may sound good on paper but so much falls in the margins beyond man and woman that i don’t understand how the separation is supposed to be enforced. would i be accepted but misgendered, or would my identity be respected but i have to be ousted?

    i’m just so tired of being perceived as dangerous based on (part of) my gender.