janny [they/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Gonna make a hot take that I dont think anyone will like but here it goes.

    Literally so what? You don’t need to leave a 5 mile square radius to have a full life. People have lived their entire lives in a 25 square mile area and have had full and fulfilling lives for the entirety of human history.

    We just live in an era of capitalist alienation and dissolution of communities and social ties that gives people a sense of listlessness and we are sold an environmentally unsustainable idea that we can simply release the pressure gauge of alienation and misery by visiting another town and seeing different buildings and trees twice a year for two weeks and our lives are more fulfilling and become more worldly.

    “Wanderlust” is just a symptom of hedonic treadmill and a fundamentally unfulfilling life. For every 1-2K spent on “travel” you could do so many more positive things for yourself and your community that are actually meaningful and valuable.

    Even if you manage to have a good time in one of these other cities, towns or areas all you will do is create a new desire to return to them. A gapping hole of desire that obliterates any attempt to fill it and draws everything around it into a pit of misery.

    Many areas of the world suck and it makes sense to want to relocate.

    But if you can’t find a 5-10 square mile area that you could see yourself living for the rest of your life and never leaving then the problem lies in your own heart and no material possession or amount of travel will ever satisfy you.

  • Could you please share any good alternatives? I’ve been unaware of these issues until now and to be honest, I doubt that I see myself expending the energy to read this article.

    That being said, right now Brave provides a very easy to use ad-free experience that is great for running youtube in the background ad-free. It’s pretty good for listening to lectures on youtube and performs much better than podbean which often freezes randomly, a bug that is pretty bad given that I listen to alot of these things while driving and am unable to fidget with it.

    Is there a similar browser that has these functionalities that works as well or better? If so I’d gladly switch over and encourage my partner to do the same.

  • its kinda dumber than that. Most of the sterotype of nazism being this ultra-militarist spartan state is more pop culture depicting their war against the soviets. nazi germany was much less mobilized than most of he other participants in WW2 until gobbel’s famous “total war” speech because the nazi government depended on the loyalty of mega corporations for it’s support base and designed their doctrine of blizkrieg as a way of deploying the fewest military resources possible for the shortest period of time so all of those conscripts could go back to working in the factory making wiener sniztzel

    look at any research on nazi war production and while its easy to use it as a way of demonstrating the superiority of the soviet system to nazism, the truth is that basically every industrialized country was able to top germany in war production because nazi germany was just five slave owning megacorps in a top hat.

  • hitler was a pedophile crack addict that didn’t get up earlier than 11AM and would have massive erratic mood swings that everyone around him had to accommodate.

    africa was full of medium sized states more than capable of self-governance and also had interesting tribal kinship networks that established stateless but complex societies with divisions of labor with populations over 10K

    this man has had nothing but pop history his entire life and it shows