just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds

  • 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I keep tuning in and out. I tune out when Trump speaks because everything he says is just such an affront to objective reality. But then I also tune out when Biden speaks because… He just comes off as so old it’s making me cringe. Like, this is the best we could come up with to combat a literal fucking fascist.

    Then I wonder, what part of this am I listening to? The questions?

  • What were you thinking it’d be less painful than? It’s pretty painful for me, but not the worst thing I’ve ever felt. Somewhere in the neighborhood of touching a hot stove and stubbing a toe. I’ve heard it compared to getting snapped by a rubber band, and that’s not too far off either. Some areas are worse than others, like above the lip or around the jawline. Fortunately, it subsides a few seconds after each zap, and my technician goes pretty slowly.

    I think it’ll be worth it, but it takes a while. I did 1 session per month for about 5 months at one place, didn’t see much change, took a break for about a year, and then resumed at a new place. 2 more sessions later, and I’ve finally started noticing some obvious clear areas. But they don’t last longer than a week or so before new hair starts growing in, so I’ve still got some sessions to go.

  • After 2 months of being on antidepressants (again) and feeling pretty great, I finally had another one of my little depressive episodes that come on from time to time. Erratic sleep, erratic diet, erratic work schedule… I even ended up crying after finishing my laser hair removal session. I mean, I cry a little bit at the end anyway cuz it hurts like hell, but I cried more than usual this time.

    On the bright side… I did get laser, so I’m glad that’s moving along still. And I got to use the weekend to recharge. Hopefully this week will be better.

  • I get you now. But I still feel like “car” is intended to be (or ought to be) narrowly defined as a 1000-lb metal box on wheels with an engine. I think referring to other vehicles as “cars” just muddles the discourse.

    Then again, I’m conflicted. If I replace “car” with another word like “meat” or “milk”, I have a different reaction. If someone wrote an article about factory-farm chickens vs free-range chickens and said, “There really is no such thing as ‘good’ meat,” I’d definitely chime in with, “What about vegan meat?”

    Maybe it’s because I perceive the gap between animal meat and vegan meat as narrower than the gap between 1000-lb metal boxes with engines and other types of vehicles. Like… if I have to pedal, it’s not a car.

    Is the Flintstones car a “car”?