• 8 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • I do believe there is a carrying capacity, but not because they might put regulation. they already try as hard as they can to limit piracy, just look at new DRM softwares.

    But the problem is if piracy become too big, the corporation s will no longer have enough incentive to make the product/servixe at all, and at that point they will just stop. For example, gaming. None of the main company has a passion to make more games despite what they say, and the moment they feel it’s not worth it, They’ll just kill the whole industry.

    So piracy is dangerous in which it might act as a de incentivsor to large corporations, because they care only about money.

  • Maybe, but the amount of posts I see (not just on Lemmy/reddit) makes me sick. I mean serious posts, asking for help, news and such. Being a super fucking simp and getting used up as toys. Then they fucking whine about it and maybe commit suicide. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT?

    And then there are “fEmInIStS” who say it’s all patriotic bullshit. I am losing my mind at this shit. Ngl I was one of 'em earlier(way earlier) too, and even thinking about it makes me wanna fucking die.

  • Lol wire does use Google play for notifications if you don’t turn on websocket which is off by default.

    And notifications doesn’t work anyway so there’s privacy there lolol

    No company is going to cater to individual needs

    Huh? When did notifications become an individual need? Even corporate environment require ability to notify peers

    If you want to have super duper privacy then there are apps for that already why be mad at me because I complain about lack of an app that is in the midpoint?


    So basically I am not allowed to complain unless I do it myself? This is a free speech platform and I’m gonna speak whether you scream or not lol