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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Belgian here. It’s about money and racism. Flanders (north) makes more money and has a higher employment rate. The separatist movement aims to put Flanders’ wealth first.

    Foreigners are perceived to threaten our way of life and are perceived to cost money too. Vlaams Belang has been rather controversial in their statements earlier with a new young team creating some uproar. Both claim to benefit the Flemish citizen and will create better jobs with higher incomes.

    Far left also gained ground so we are becoming more polarised.

  • I write my notes in org-mode. It’s supported in many editors in a basic form, letting you add code snippets etc in an unobtrusive way. Using a well thought out format helps you in the long run.

    I use this in Emacs, through which it lets me refer to emails, execute code snippets, attach related files, fetch content on/from remote servers, send off the debug session as an html email, … Support will depend on your editor but even as raw text it works.

    I don’t use something specific to make non-code repeatable as you suggest here, but you could embed a test language in an org code block.

    The syntax is straight-forward and exports to multiple external formats exist (eg: html).

  • The sentiment I hear around me is that you have been lied to.

    We have kept the lights on, like many of you asked, and we are looking forward to welcoming a new humorous generation.

    Sure, it is not going to be under the same conditions. Things have moved around when you left. Empty voids have been filled. Regardless, I’d love for us to see the propaganda of the time for what it was, propaganda and lies, and to bring the actors and platforms responsible for willingly spreading lies to their knees.

    Together we stand stronger in a strong Europe, and reuniting is a sign of Europe’s resilience to external influences.