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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This meme is an example of how the superstructure maintains the base.

    It’s ideology misdirecting attention away from class conscientiousness. If we’re angry about a perceived cultural wrong, we’re not paying attention to how wages have stagnated while productivity has soared.

    Maybe Marxism, at least as a diagnostic tool, isn’t such a bad thing after all.

  • The idea that it could happen is false hope though, because you’re buying into the idea that the chance is worth $5. The chance is so small it might as well be zero. So you’re way over spending for a could that is practically a won’t.

    There are some situations with some lotteries where the math works in your favor because of for instance rollover. But if you’re committed to $5 a week you’re not that lottery player.

    If you were to put $5 in S&P 500 weekly for a decade it is far more likely that you’ll have a profit of a few thousand on top of the money that you did not spend on lottery tickets (because you still own the stock). That’s not really as radically marxist as my previous comment might make me seem, but for your personal wallet it’s way better.

    In this economy if you want to become rich, the best thing is to start out rich. The next best thing is starting a company and pocketing the productivity of your employees. Back to that marxism thing again.

  • I like old cars, but the point is there will be a point at which getting a car that is as uncomplicated as a 1990s Japanese sedan will end. In 20 years time you’d have to deal with all sorts of electric and software issues.

    It used to be that you could just take out the cassette player and insert a Bluetooth radio, for instance. In modern cars everything is integrated software and it sure as hell won’t be maintained by car manufacturers after 10 years at most.