I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 264 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Well, it depends on what is meant by “average.” There could, maybe within our lifetime after an earth shattering reprioritization of climate change mitigation brought on by widespread death, potentially be another year which is colder than the average of the preceding ten years. Maybe. I won’t say that is impossible although I consider it unlikely.

    But there will never again, on any human timescale, be a year that is colder than any “average” as in like the average temperature for the planet starting in the year 1900 or something, or even the year 2000 when it was already measurably above a long term normal level. I am confident that with any level of action on any timeframe that is within the realm of possibility, we will never again see a year that is “average” by that kind of definition.

  • The fuck are you on about

    The headline is not what the article says at all

    written in a memory-unsafe language

    The report concluded that most critical open source projects potentially contain memory safety vulnerabilities. This is a result of direct use of memory unsafe languages or external dependency on projects that use memory-unsafe languages.

    Emphasis on “potentially” is mine

    Quite a lot more than 55% of projects have an external dependency on projects that use memory unsafe languages. Aside from a certain amount of Go or Rust projects that manage to avoid any dependency that drops down into C to expose some library at some point, I think it’s all of them.

  • After deliberating more than six months, the justices in a 5-4 vote blocked an agreement hammered out with state and local governments and victims. The Sacklers would have contributed up to $6 billion and given up ownership of the company but retained billions more. The agreement provided that the company would emerge from bankruptcy as a different entity, with its profits used for treatment and prevention.

    Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for the majority, said “nothing in present law authorizes the Sackler discharge.”

    Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor dissented.

    Can you please just tell me if it is a good thing or a bad thing please, the more I read the more I am simply confused.

    The U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee, an arm of the Justice Department, argued that the bankruptcy law does not permit protecting the Sackler family from being sued. During the Trump administration, the government supported the settlement.

    The Biden administration had argued to the court that negotiations could resume, and perhaps lead to a better deal, if the court were to stop the current agreement.

    Okay got it

  • Just because the phrase “human shields” came into it:

    Somewhere there is a UN report where they looked in some detail into the theory that Hamas was rounding up random people and having them just stand around perfectly still right next to Hamas during fighting, so that the poor IDF would be tricked into shooting them which they hated doing but they had no choice. At least in the case they were looking into, they found that no, of course they are not doing anything like that, Israel is just telling outlandish lies about where all these dead civilians came from.

    I won’t say it never happens in any form. But to me it comes across like those comedy action movies where the bad guy grabs a hostage and the good guy grabs his own hostage from some random passerby. Like, ha ha! If you shoot at me, you’ll also kill this random Palestinian! And we know that’s like kryptonite to the IDF!

  • “Let’s just divide up Poland and keep the peace. We can focus our whole energy on the western front, you can save yourselves bloodshed by the tanker load, and in a few short years we can share dominion over a subjugated world.”

    “You so right, that sounds like a great plan”

    “Hey guess what I just decided”

    The whole world would have been different. It was still a pretty close thing with help from the Soviets and with Germany fighting a ludicrous two-front war for literally no military or geopolitical reason at all.

  • James Lujan went to prison

    Because he held a political office, and the law enforcement and judicial systems were trying to prosecute someone he was friends with, and he openly tried to use his office to stop them from doing it and cancel the investigation.

    And bingo bingo that’s three years in the pen, for “aiding a felon” among some other charges. The judge said “The people of Rio Arriba County elected you to be sheriff. They put their trust in you to uphold the law and you let them down.”

    I want to know why this is different. I mean, I kind of know; it’s different because Lujan had no powerful friends. But!

  • People aren’t as afraid as she wants them to be. Some of them are, and some are just amped up for violence because something is wrong with them, but for the real horror shows to begin next year if Trump wins, ordinary people (like millions of them) have to be frightened enough, maybe not to take part in anything highly irregular, but enough that it won’t bother them that they know it’s going on. Because after all, these are desperate times.

    On some level she knows this, she can feel that the tenor of the times just isn’t matching how she needs it to be, just as birds know when it is time to fly to a new place for the winter. I doubt she understands all the reasons and implications any more than the birds do.

    But she can feel that it’s wrong, and so she’s trying to just tell people: Be scared. Be more scared. I command it.

    She is not undangerous as she is, but she would be a lot more dangerous if she were more cunning.

  • Yes they are. It’s the same groups that have been campaigning to end the occupation since before October 7th. It’s not a majority or even close to - two-thirds of Israelis support the continuation of the war. But saying “no one” is an absolute falsehood. And, I think propaganda and misunderstanding of the situation on the ground is also a large part (in addition to, yes, some large amount of pure racism and violent vindictiveness that says it’s okay if Palestinians are dying because they are bad.)

    The wheel you’re currently cranking on, is the same wheel that was turning right at the beginning of Israel, and managed to turn its way from “all the Nazis are wrong and evil” around to “the Jews are always the victims about everything” and has now arrived itself at “Israel can do anything it decides to and will still be the victim” and now, on the other side, “all the Israelis are always wrong and evil” is emerging into view coming in the other direction. I am telling you that no matter how hard you crank that wheel, on whichever side, your activity will never crank you around to arrive at a world that is peaceful or just.

    (I know I said I’d stop after saying my bit; I just wanted to say a little more on it and shoot down the absolutely false idea that no one in Israel opposes the war on humanitarian grounds.)