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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • novibe@lemmy.mltoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    12 hours ago

    Slaves don’t earn wages to buy products. The slave-owners have to spend funds to feed, house them etc.

    But it was really more about creating consumer markets. There is no capitalism without vast consumer markets for mass produced goods.

    Mercantile slavery produced less, more artisanal goods, for a very small class of people (aristocracy and nascent bourgeoisie).

    And it wasn’t possible to expand the consumer markets without creating a new class of people who had an income to spend on commodities.

    This is extremely simplified, but it’s the main interpretation for the end of slavery. Like, when we study the Industrial Revolution, the British empire and the end of slavery in school, it’s always under that lens, of creating new consumer markets.

    But just to make it clear, slavery is still lucrative, to this day. Which is why we have more slaves in absolute numbers now than at any other point in history. But it can’t be the main relation of production, because capitalism depends on mass consumption by masses of people. So slavery can only ever exist as a marginal system.

  • novibe@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldI could see benefits and drawbacks
    1 month ago

    That does make intuitive sense, but archeology shows otherwise. There was a much bigger diversity of gender roles and relationship structures/child rearing systems, including in agricultural societies.

    The modern almost universal ideal of romantic monogamous nuclear relationships was born from romantic (as in the movement) puritan petit bourgeois ideals in the 19th century.

    Working class women during the medieval age for example, worked and lived outside the home, had affairs etc. This changed around the 18th century with the hegemony of the bourgeoisie and working class mirroring of their ideals.

    Basically while it’s true that patriarchal strictly dichotomous societies existed for as long as we can tell, And that they have prevailed and “won out”. But doesn’t mean they are the norm for humanity. Their universality is extremely recent.