According to Johnny Harris ( he does go into the details, according to Johnny’s sources. I can’t stand Elon as well, but I’m no longer sure if he’s just an investor.
Software engineering, Rust, Zig, embedded
According to Johnny Harris ( he does go into the details, according to Johnny’s sources. I can’t stand Elon as well, but I’m no longer sure if he’s just an investor.
I am usually also sceptical about AI but I think it could be a useful technology (LLMs). However, it seems to me that currently we have the technology but did not find the best use cases for it. So we throw it like cooked pasta against the wall in the hopes that something sticks at the wall.
I think they are voting for him because of the things they believe he is or stands for. Let’s assume some people cherish kindness, then these people believe he is kind even if he’s obviously not. They want to believe.
They are analogously not voting for Harris out of what they believe she stands for: destroying their values, installing communism, surrendering to the Soviet Union, all on day one. Because they want to believe.
Ich denke das Lemmy eher negativ eingestellt ist, bzgl. KI, habe aber schon die gegenteilige Erfahrung gemacht und ich habe eher confirmation bias da ich, zwar KI immer wieder nutze, aber KI wie es von den “Großen” verkauft wird eher skeptisch sehe.
Ich kann mir nicht genau erklären warum dein Kommentar so negativ aufgenommen wurde. Ich denke in dem spezifischen Fall geht es eben darum dass man die Aufgabe selbst erfüllt und nicht einfach ChatGPT schreiben lässt. Es scheint mir so zu sein, dass der versteckte Text eben dafür sorgt, dass ein fachfremdes Thema im Output Text gelangt. D.h. das Studenten eben nicht mal das gemerkt haben, dass der generierte Text so eine fachfremde Information enthält. Das kann man dann durchaus auslegen, als dass die betroffenen Studenten ChatGPT nicht als Werkzeug einsetzen, dessen Ergebnis man eben prüfen sollte, sondern das Werkzeug selber hat machen lassen ohne den Mindestaufwand zu spendieren.
Ob eine Aufgabe die eben mal mit ChatGPT generiert werden kann noch sinnvoll ist, ist eine abdere Diskussion die ich nicht jetzt führen werde.
Ich hoffe mein “wall of text” hilft dir etwas.
I think this is a good example that free speech is not free consequences. The question is who carries the consequences. My guess is the two girls that may get mobbed at least until they graduate, maybe even longer.
Btw, I am pro free-speech, I just find it kind of sad that more often than not the consequences of free speech from people like Ted Cruz hit the people he’s speaking about.
You’re right. Tge AfD won the most seats in Thuringia. History rhymes. I guess one important factor is cognitive dissonance. I understand that people are unhappy with current politics for multiple reasons and I think some want to believe the propaganda in tge hopes that things will get better but knowing deep in themselves that these demagogues don’t promote any policies that will actually help them. At least I hope so.
I’m from Germany, which means that we learned an re-iterated the history around the crumbling of Democracy in the Weimar Republic and the rise of the 3rd Reich in school, in several different subjects.
And now, more than 20 years since I graduated, I still don’t understand how people could vote for Hitler with his rhetoric and his hatefulness. I sit here and can’t believe that Donald Trump has realistic chances to win, and he will get votes from people who should know better and not only the votes from obvious Nazis. It’s depressing.
As far as I understood, the robot taxis may start production by 2026 or 2027. Shouldn’t we live all on Mars by then, according to Musk?
Additionally, if AI actually gives us this answer, tge answer we have already now, will we as a global society actualky implement it, because it sounds inconvenient (at least for some) or will we say, hey the AI seems to have made a mistake.
What are your goals?
If you want to learn another language just for the fun of it (the best reason) than learn both.
Of you want to improve your tool set to be able to land a job, then there is no good answer. Probably some other high level language like Python, Java, JavaScript, C#. Etc.
Also: Zig bay be easier to get started when coming from C, because it is mostly imperative.
Rust introduces concepts from functional programming. This could be interesting for you, of you don’t have any experience in functional programming to get in touch with other programming styles. Or not, of you explicitly don’t want to learn such things.
I use both languages, and I enjoy both. Shameless plug: I’ve written a blog post ~ 2 years ago what I like about each language:
Besides streaming, i.e. the capability to watch the movies and series when you want and how much you want, and lowering the entry to produce videos for more people, they pretty much reinvented cable. Or did I miss something substantial?
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Another tidbit: Operating systems (like Linux) usually provide a possibility to get entropy (ideally used as seed). Linux for example has /dev/urandom beyond others. Afaik, it uses the time between subsequent accesses to the hdd as one of the sources used to create the entropy.
A software solution usually can create “random” faster, with the drawback that its not actual random
The Mersenne Twister was a famous pseudo random number generator when I wrote my diploma thesis in 2009. Today, afaik, PCG (Permuted Congrentual Generator) are better.
From my opinion it is more computer science sorcery than math sorcery.
For true random generation you usually need some specialized hardware for it, that uses sone natural source of random. One could use the decay of a radioactive material as such a source or the noise one can get from audio input. Unfortunately, I don’t know what actual hardware uses.
For pseudo random generation, you usually use a seed (ideally a true random value or something with a high entropy) which you feed into an algorithm like Linear Congruental Generator (LCG) or Mersenne Twister (there are lots of algorithms).
One further important note: Tge use case forvwhich you need random numbers is important. A video game could accept a random number generator with “lower” quality while a cryptographic algorithm always needs a cryptographic secure random number generator (don’t forget: “don’t roll your own crypto”).
Finally there are quasi randim number generators, however this name is very misleading. The mathematical correct term is low discrepancy sequence. There are not random at all but can be used and have useful properties in some settungs where pseudo random number generators can be used. Never in a cryptographic algorithm, though.
Great summary and congratulations.
That’s the reason I’m deeply offended. I’m german too. 😉
This video playlist from typecraft helped me a lot to set up a minimal neovim config:
I once in a while, improve, add or remove plugins and settings, whenever I find it necessary.
I use this rust plugin: However I haven’t used Rust very much in my neovom set up as of now.
Another good starting point for a neovim config is here:
Have fun.
European here. Is this actually true that waffle houses can get violent? If so, is there any explanation? I like waffles and never associated them with violence. Never been to a waffle house, though.
Out of interest, do you have any sources that what he does is not reliable? This is not some kind of I’m pissed off about your comnent, I’m actually not. Having said that, I see tgis as an opportunity to learn about Harris’ shortcomings. Thanks in advance.