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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I bloody love a good night out, but I am really not a fan of being rinsed. I know it’s London prices and whatever, but the closest pub to me is £6.70 for a pint that isn’t Carling, and something nuts like £8 for a double voddy. Couple that with a pack of cigs (£15) and maybe a cheeky little kebab at the end of the night (£10) and you’re looking at an easy £75 - £100 for one fun night.

    It’s rough, because I really do love to socialise. Nowadays I don’t drink or smoke for the first half of the year because they’re too expensive as habits. If I want to go out in the evening to wind down after work and catch up with friends, I don’t want to pay £20 to sit in the pub for an hour or two and then go home - but I can’t reasonably afford to do much more than that – so sod the whole thing.

  • It’s a bit late for some of the victims of this though, isn’t it?

    I remember hearing about the Horizon scandal a few years ago on some podcast. At the time, obviously, there was no justice for anybody who had been wronged. I believe at least one ex-postmaster committed suicide over it.

    Sod the award. Overturning these convictions isn’t going to undo the mental and physical toll this has taken on these innocent people. Every one of the executives who covered this up has blood on their hands. The rich never, ever face consequences for anything they do, no matter how cruel.

  • “We’re gonna cut taxes just before a general election! That’ll get those dumb animals to vote for us.” “But Rishi, you big-eared cunt, where will we find the money to cut those taxes?” “Well, where do you think? Where would it make the most sense to take money from?” “The poor, who have no money!”

    Rishi Sunak isn’t just malicious, selfish, and the proud owner of two massive fucking ears – he’s also just thoroughly stupid and small. Tiny little Rishi, with the biggest ears in the world. What a total arsehole.