4 months ago@[email protected] No, it is about building up your TL by following loads of people who are interesting, and following the hashtags you’re interested in.
I am from #Amsterdam NL, he/him. Working at a book store. Have been #political active most my life. Involved in #organising renters & fighting for affordable social housing #NietTeKoop. I have a #FairPhone.
Generally interested in #radical thinking and #political #action. Toots in NL&EN.
Stop #ClimateChange by any means necessary #ClimateCrisis
Fight fascism #Antifa and #Free #Palestine
Born @ 319 ppm CO2 in 1963 (425.8 @17 May 2024) :xr:
Zonder Ommekeer Geen Toekomst
@[email protected] No, it is about building up your TL by following loads of people who are interesting, and following the hashtags you’re interested in.
@[email protected] And by social media I mean :mastodon: :fediverse:
@[email protected] I like to add, I also follow wordpress websites, lemmy accounts, peertube… Explore and follow people you like.