Just trying to help increase interaction on lemmy :)
I wonder if people consider the trait or perk form of bloody mesd as better. I feel the trait is better, for flavour, since as a perk its basically mandatory by giving a flat damage boost
lottery is peace peace is lottery
I see c/Fallout is now on it’s Oliver Swanick hatred arc.
thank you for the reccomendation! seems like a very useful website :)
yeah, I’ve been really hoping for smth that works with thunderbird. thanks for the perspective :)
also just found out thunderbird’s mobile app is out now
aegis gang represent
how is mailbox.org? I’ve been considering it, but I just haven’t quite pulled the trigger
It’s not just the controversy, but I’ve been planning a re-do of my internet services for a while now, and this seemed a good time to ask around, given others are likely doing the same
You could probably go through your email contacts list to find ones connected to services, which can help you track down ones you can’t recall otherwise.
additionally, https://haveibeenpwned.com/ could help you find any accounts that have been involved in data breaches, which could help you find a few extra.
you know it, babe
not as hard as the physical carrycase for the new fallout 4: special edition collectors edition, coming out august!
I’ve not heard of diceware before. How is it? I personally use a combination of password managers and short phrases which I encrypt using a specific method in my head.
So about 336 and 420 a week, respectively
When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge.
I love my grandkids!
why doesn’t the ncr just import cotton from south asia? are they stupid?
good point on the new post-war new california ecology though, it’s totally possible their looms run thread from an all-new plant, courtesy of atomic botany. didn’t know that nettles could be used for textiles either. its now my headcanon that during famine NCR civillians raid textile mills and eat the raw nettles.
no, this is exactly what I wanted to discuss. I know the NCR is a full on nation, like the USA of old, but I wanted to discuss the logistics of their manufacturjng processes. would they have mines and quarries for raw metals? Likely not, as there’s enough already extracted for salvage. this post is mostly for speculation. I fully believe that the ncr manufactures the fatigues from scratch, but with what material? surely not cotton given their water problems. I also just can’t quite decide what their breastplates are shielded with. I wanted for this to be a space where people could speculate on the theoretical industries and manufacturing processes of the NCR, not a refusal to see that they exist.
I for one am a Pittsburgh truther, and believe that the NCR has exported all their industry to Ashur. /j
miscommunication; by ‘more human’ I mean should they behave less like generic bad guys to shoot, and more like people, to represent their tragedy
I like the trait too, since it’s just a nice little bit of optional flavour. When it appears as a perk, they tack extra bonuses onto it so you don’t really have much choice.