sammer510 [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2020

  • Hmmmm movies I do like. Terry Gilliams stuff is good (Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Time Bandits, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas). Some classic stuff like Double Indemnity, Some Like It Hot, The Great Escape, 12 Angry Men, lots of Hitchcock stuff like North by Northwest or Rear Window. Big fan of the old school Godzilla stuff as well. Comedies are great, anything Mel Brooks (Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles) or Leslie Nielsen (Airplane) or John Candy movies like Uncle Buck or Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Some more modern rom coms like While You Were Sleeping or Much Ado About Nothing. A lot of Coen brothers stuff and Wes Anderson. Idk Christopher Nolans stuff just doesn’t have characters or drama that draws me in. It’s like big set pieces and super serious white dudes and idk it just doesn’t do anything for me. Memento was a good mystery and interesting concept and Interstellar is probably his next best movie but everything else is just like movies for people who use Letterboxd.

  • I liked Memento but the rest of his work is basically forgettable to me. I saw all the Batman movies and I imagine if I gave a shit about Batman or cape shit in general I would have liked it but as it stands eh. Dunkirk put me to sleep and I haven’t seen Oppenheimer but I imagine it would put me to sleep even faster. Inception was kinda cool when I first saw it but when I really think about it’s not very interesting either. Interstellar had a few interesting bits but once again mostly just boring. The Prestige I could barely pay attention to and the twist I just didn’t care about. All in all most of his shit is just completely uninteresting to me.

  • A few options. Cover the entire lawn for an extended period of time with a bunch of tarps or cardboard so no sunlight reaches the grass. Kill the entire thing. Start over with native seeds. Or roto till the entire thing

    For me personally Bermuda grass never stood a chance against all the clover, dandelions, cheeseweed, purslane, tall flatsedge, and broadleaf plantain that make up a lot of what used to be the lawn. Some of those are invasive technically but at least rabbits come to eat the dandelions and plantains