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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • Red, easy. I was raised by total red necks (heh), complete hicks, and it did give me bottom of the barrel ideas about what i wanted to be. I could have healthier habits and work towards a better self earlier. Money? I’ll just be an early Bitcoin adopter and make all the cash I’d ever need. Hell if it came down to it i could make money on the dark web and use my age as a shield and tool. Friends? I could cut out bad friends early and find my future friend group whenever i want, I’d probably even have an advantage since I’m way more of a nerd now (see that first point).

  • Honestly, the government should reclaim the land you live on, for good money and after building better population centers of course. Not that people couldn’t move back after some amount of time had passed, but i doubt most would if they felt what it was like to live in an actual civilized society for once and being that rural should be a major outlier.

    I live rural too, so I’d know how poorly that’d go over with the hicks, but i do genuinely think a restructure of society like that is necessary.

  • Absolutely Cassette Beasts. An amazing monster tamer and the ost is easily better than anything else this year and that’s just an objective fact.

    Rogue Trader was fun and while I’m not a 40k guy the setting and system didn’t hurt the game like DnD did to BG3.

    Season A Letter To The Future was a great game too, about cataloging a small slice of the world before the kinda event that marks a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ in history.

    Saw someone else mention juscant and it’s up there on the list too, i wish it was just a little more open or freeform.