Remember the Duracell ad?
Or schools expeling you for truancy…
The Mosquito was a device for keeping teenagers away from the entrance of stores. It emits a tone so high, only yoots can hear it, us old fucks can’t hear it, lol.
To Sto’Vo’Kor!
RIP Kurn, son of Mogh
Edit: i just realized I wanted a Klingon to “rest in peace”. Fight the good fight in the afterlife, warrior.
If i had ever done this to my dad, he would have beat the shit out of me…
Yup. No point in being a decent person anymore. I’ve never been arrested, never touched a kid (backhands don’t count, little bitch was asking for it), and i pay deferral income and land owner taxes
But I’m to be put to death because I’m gay. Fights over, decency lost.
Suicide rate about to chime in.
Hack n slash games: disable weapon “trails”.
I don’t need a motion blur the size of a city bus everytime i swing my weapon…
Oh honey, the last name isn’t the (main) problem…
No one wants to pay for channels they don’t watch…
Yeah, I’d just drill a hole and turn them into planters. #plantdad
Well this hits home.
A week or two ago, i had what i call my “weepy waves”. I get a sudden, intense desire to burst into tears for about a minute. Then I’m fine for about 15, then more tears, then calm, repeat
Fortunately, it was the last hour of my shift, so the security cameras only caught four of em, but when i was leaving, i burst into tears in the middle of the parking lot.
Got about $15 for my troubles…
AI Models Falter
Answering Election Questions in Spanish.
I took care of one of my mother’s dogs, an overeater bordering on obese (the dog, my mother weighs 120 freedom units).
I went through about four different dog food brands before settling on RRs, apparently it’s good enough to eat when hungry, but not good enough to gorge.
So in short, I like her dog food because it’s adequate.
Short answer: I bite back now.
Long answer: My parents are hard-R Republicans. Every time they start getting all “demoncrats r bad” i just ask them, “Why do you want me dead so fucking bad? I know from being raised by you that you fucking hated me growing up, but to vote for “gays should be executed”? This is exactly why you didn’t have grandkids, the thought of putting more of your hate in the world is abhorrent to me…”
I’ve only had to pull that one out twice, so far, but it hits them hard when they still (I’m a few months away from 40) insist I “give them grandkids”.
It’s like throwing a live microphone in front of the speaker it’s attached to, self sustaining cycle…
I grew up in stress, so when I’m not stressed, it means I’ve forgotten something…
Was the iMac a casualty of the “capacitor plague” that happened a few years ago? I revived an old monitor pretty easily from a blown cap
So, Iron Maiden!?