• 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • How would a site make itself acessible to the internet in general while also not allowing itself to be scraped using technology?

    robots.txt does rely on being respected, just like no tresspassing signs. The lack of enforcement is the problem, and keeping robots.txt to track the permissions would make it effective again.

    I am agreeing, just with a slightky different take.

  • This is why they are being downvoted.

    I wish one time someone who hates all the newer stuff would give a real reason why and not some lame blanket statement about it.

    Plenty of people have given real reasons that aren’t blanket statements. Some people have soent way more time than the movies deserve pointing out the issues with the new movies.

    Heck, I spent a few minutes making a comment as a reply to theirs covering the basic issues that is far more than a blanket statement, and that was just the objectively bad stuff that I remembered off the top of my head.