super_mario_69 [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2021


  • Yep. The red-scare brainworms are deeply rooted here, every boy has to go to the military to prepare for the inevitable day the russians come. It hasn’t really been taken very seriously for as long as I’ve lived, at least. Until now, I guess. A funny little cultural rite of passage meme where 18-year-olds get to fuck around with their bros in the woods for half a year. But tbh I never went myself, so I don’t really know what you actually learn there.

    “40 soldiers and an old tractor” is what I assume is the portion of the conscripts who are actually ready and willing to fight, and didn’t just go there because they were expected to.

  • I’ve been unusually exhausted lately. Not like sleep-all-day-exhausted, more like mentally drained to the point I can only manage to play computer games or stare into a wall for six hours after work. Everything is overwhelming all the time, nothing excites me, and it’s all just a fuck. I sleep well enough (afaik), I take my ADHD meds every day, work isn’t super stressful, my diet is decent, I exercise a few times a week (though less than I used to), but still. I’m thinking it’s some kind of depression? Or maybe I’m on the verge of a burn out? I’ve dealt with both of those in my life, but those were both way worse. Maybe it’s just a tiny little depressive episode? I’ve never taken them, but could it be worth it to try and take antidepressants and see if it helps? Or just force myself to exercise more, at least a little bit every day? I’m gonna ask my therapist about this of course, but our next appointment is like a month away, so I figured I’d ask the second best option: hexbear.

  • I love arch and I’m incredibly biased, but here goes. I have used Arch exclusively for the past n years. All of the things you’ve mentioned will work great. The AUR absolutely rules. It’s rather similiar to Void in the sense that it’s a completely blank slate, so it’s going to be as unique an experience as you make it.

    Arch is really stable and reliable as long as you don’t break it, really. Out of the handful of times I’ve fucked up my install, all of them have been my own fault. Fortunately Arch is (relatively) easy to fix: keep a live USB on hand and chroot into your physical drive with arch-chroot and unfuck whatever needs unfucking. I haven’t ever had to completely start over from scratch a single time. It’s a learning experience!

    Go for it, I say. Try it in a VM beforehand if you gotta.

  • So far at my current job I’ve dealt with five different PMs.

    The first one is really good. Used to be a dev. Big fuck-work-energy. They handle all the administrative bullshit that I don’t know or care about. They check in on the devs every now and then. Lots of constructive feedback and praise. They managed to make some kind of contract with the customer that pretty enabled me to do jack shit and get paid for it most of the time without anyone raising eyebrows.

    The second one is good, pretty average PM. Used to be a dev themselves since the 90’s, so they understand the developer’s point of view. Easy to work with.

    The third one is just kind of there. Handles the admin stuff and that’s it. The devs (i.e. I) do most of the interactions with the customer, since the PM doesn’t really know wtf the project is even about.

    The fourth one isn’t even there. Sometimes I don’t even know if they’ve quit or what, because I never see or hear from them. The ultimate quiet quitter. Once they showed up to some friday afternoon function, said “sup?” chugged a beer and devoured a pizza in ten seconds (rolled it up and ate it like a burrito!!), and went home. My main inspiration, my number one career goal.

    The fifth one was garbage though. Made all sorts of unrealistic promises to the customers and took it out on the devs when we couldn’t deliver in time. They quit at some point, and the project transfered to PM #1.