Absolutely, and to be extra clear I wasn’t talking about the actual indigenous tribal areas that do exist there but the predominantly white mostly rural evangelical communities that are to my view analogous to the tribal areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the way that Neal Stephenson describes in the excellent book Fall: or, Dodge in Hell when he talks about Ameristan. No harm no foul, I’m glad there’s someone paying attention to the feed and vigilant against bad faith or racist commentary.
Millions of people sat out the election because they couldn’t be bothered to vote for a corporate apologist. There’s nothing criminal about being stupid, but I think you’ll find I’m not. There’s absolutely nothing magical about splitting one in a two party system and ending up with three parties, it is in fact the most basic math. Whoever the Republicans run will be Trump, by the way, and I actually think that if it’s made clear to the DNC establishment ASAP that the rabble is sick of the normal playbook there wouldn’t be any need to take this strategy past the primaries. But go on with your unsupported knee jerk ad hominem. I have faith in democracy, let’s wait a bit and see what the people think.