• 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • The author of the article is right not to believe this claim. The author can say that their software was intended for whatever noble uses they want. We know from experience that software has mainstream off-label use.

    Is BitTorrent really a tool for downloading community content like open films and Linux distros? Because that’s what the creators say it’s for. It’s not untrue.

    Is Jellyfin or Plex a tool for organizing your ripped collection of CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays? That’s what the developers say. It’s not untrue

    Is Tor a tool for protecting dissidents? That’s what they say it is. It really is that. But is that all it is?

    This tool might be useful for identifying sex trafficking victims, just as a nudifying app might be useful for identifying victims of involuntary pornography.

    But on the other side of this is that nudifying apps are more likely to be used to create involuntary pornography, and makeup-removal apps are more likely to be used to harass women.

    No reason to ban AI technology or anything, but no reason to pretend that tools like this aren’t used for off-label and sometimes nefarious purposes.

  • Todd Bonzalez@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldApp development
    9 hours ago

    I’ve edited people’s makeup and faces as part of the process of learning Photoshop, so I understand what you’re saying. There are perfectly normal applications for this.

    The issue is intent. A lot of men think that women are “lying” when they wear makeup. They think that the most valuable quality a woman can have is natural beauty, and treat makeup as trickery.

    There’s no shortage of men who think “You’d look better without makeup” is a compliment too.

    An app like this would inevitably be used to help streamline the process of harassIng and negging women online.

    There’s also the matter that women can put great time and effort into their makeup, and having someone remove their hard work from an image and throw it back at them is quite insulting. A makeup artist is still an artist and they likely don’t want their peers wielding tools designed specifically to nullify their work.

    It shouldn’t be illegal or anything. No law against being an asshole. But it isn’t an app that will be used with good intent in most cases, and we should definitely pay attention because the “modify pictures of other people’s faces and bodies” use case for AI appears to have the potential to do a great deal of harm.

  • Distributors for content, and no more exclusive content for platforms. Make it work the way music streaming works.

    You sign up for one service and you get access to an unfathomably gigantic library of music. It doesn’t matter what service you sign up for either, you’re going to get a similarly huge library, and it will include most everything you could find on any competing service so you only need one subscription. The only thing you really choose is UI, device compatibility, and special features.

    Imagine if there were two dozen competing music streaming services, and they all had completely different non-overlapping libraries. Maybe Sony has one just for their labels. Maybe another is just for a handful of EDM labels. A third just for country and bluegrass, but only specific labels. A fourth just for indie labels. A fifth for Rap and R&B. Lots of old stuff is completely unrepresented, because it wasn’t deemed profitable by any available platform, or there’s just too much paperwork and nobody wants to do it.

    This is what we have with video streaming right now. Lots of different IP owners running streaming services only with their own limited catalogs. If you want to watch just one show on each platform, you would need a subscription for every show. If you have diverse tastes in movies and television, you are going to be paying a fortune to access it.

  • Well, now that you know that this content is AI generated, and that this community doesn’t allow that, your next move should likely be whatever a responsible member of the community would do when made aware that they aren’t meeting the expectations of their peers. I suppose we’ll get to see what that looks like, if you’re not off flying a kite yourself.

  • Look, it’s true that Trump is surrounded by horrible people who do horrible things, and that Religion, Pageantry, and Wealth are all vectors for child sex abuse.

    But let’s not fall for the same intellectually bankrupt rhetoric of the far right. “Everyone who is a part of x is also a pedophile” arguments, with very few exceptions, are going to be bullshit.

    Pedophile priests don’t validate your claim that all clergymen are pedophiles. There’s no evidence for it, you just hate Christianity.

    The weirdness of child pageantry doesn’t validate your claim that everyone involved is a pedophile. One of the leading drivers of that industry is moms living vicariously through their daughters, which is still an issue, but not the same issue.

    As for rich people. Sure, we can hate the ultra-rich, but you’re just being slanderous with the claim that every rich person is a pedophile. There’s literally no evidence of this, you’re just saying it because it’s a nasty thing to say.

    I really hate this pattern of choosing accusations of pedophilia as a cudgel, just because it is such a severe accusation. Making this claim so baselessly comes across as rather extreme indifference to actual victims, since one clearly has no issue using a dishonest portrayal of child sex abuse just to smear political enemies.

  • Are you suggesting that this war should be taught in schools as it is happening?

    There’s absolutely no responsible way to do that. The fog of war keeps us from being able to report on this from a historical perspective because there’s little to no way to verify anything as fact.

    Encouraging kids to pay attention to current events, and teaching them relevant lessons from the past is important, but we can’t risk misinforming a whole generation because we couldn’t wait for the smoke to clear before we started committing what we think we know to the history books.

    As for teaching about this conflict in the future, you’re never going to escape the reality that people will feel disconnected the further away they are from the actual event they are learning about.

    You’re either too early to teach verifiable truths, or you’re too late for the truth to feel real.

  • Are you as certain of Rittenhouse’s culpability in the killing of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and the wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz, as you are about your claims about Wendy Rittenhouse’s involvement?

    “Oh, you were misinformed about something worthy of a snopes article, have you considered that you might also be wrong in opposing murder?”

    Get the fuck out of here with this fallacious nonsense. Kyle Rittenhouse has said he wanted to kill protesters. He’s as innocent as OJ Simpson.