Þ° (they / any)

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


  • Honestly, dating apps can be really good for this. Although polyamorous, I state in my profile that I am also open to just friends and my interests. Two of my best friends I met 4 years ago via Tinder. There are plenty of folks looking for friends on them. It especially seems like that for OKC.

    Edit: most of my trans friends have been on a local discord community or through people I met on it.

  • I am living it, and I am living my best life.

    Agender/enby with a nebulous connection to gender at best. For me, I will be ever in transition for as long as I’m alive and adapting. And I take comfort in that.

    But for a more serious answer:

    Between the milestones of recognizing that I am trans and accepting myself - mental health care (including HRT), support from my friends and partners, and a whole lot of introspection. I’m grateful to have the privilege of all that. And I wish it was more accessible.

  • I’m curious if this visualization is like my own. I can very vividly imagine an apple but then the web of thought expands out, and I’m near simultaneously visualizing different colors, shapes, varieties, artistic representations, states of being eaten or degraded, and viewed at different angles, lighting, and settings in rapid succession, so that all the images overlap in a blur of what it is that’s meant by apple.

  • Like mentioned elsewhere, folks with menstruation cycles are well known to show exacerbated ADHD symptoms with the fluctuations in hormones.

    Progesterone made my ADHD a lot worse. Second biggest reason I stopped taking it once getting up to where I wanted to be in top growth. (first being that I was constantly ravenously hungry)

    Going back on spironolactone has made it better though. Missing my evening doses of that and estradiol will throw me off a bit the next day.

  • They’re words that have been having less and less meaning to me over the last couple years.

    To me, they’re the extremes of what society says are the inconsistent rules. I have been increasingly drawn to queerness, and the refusal to align with a single of these in favor of being one’s self.

    I have been more in touch with aspects of both since transitioning. Same for shedding a lot of the toxic expectations of both. And that has only highlighted that it’s a socially enforced binary.