• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Thank you so much for your insight! I know first hand of the difficulties - I have already frogged this sweater once :/

    Considering what you wrote, I’m thinking of unravelling a couple of centimetres of the sleeves, based only on a wild guess. If after the wash I want back the lost length, I’ll only have to unravel the i-cord. Or even skip the i-cord, wash it holding the sleeves on a lifeline and finish it afterwards. This way, I wouldn’t need to unravel anything after wash. Would that work?

    (Making and blocking a swatch would definitely be the adult thing to do, but I’m really not keen on the prospect of looking for more yarn…)

  • Thank you so much for saying it out loud! I did wonder about potential consequences of not-blocking - I like that it’s kind of bouncy in its current state. However, it will have to be washed at some point, so I figured it’s better to find out now… Tension-wise, it’s a little messy (two years on the needles) but it’s also hairy so it’s not super obvious. Mostly, I’d like to soak it to wash away the project-of-doom vibes and initiate it as a garment.