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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Self-diagnosis doesn’t help with relationships IMHO either and I mean that both from a personal and professional perspective.

    Why you might ask?

    YMMV but for me, I am an open book. Having the diagnosis meant I could talk to bosses when trying a new med, or explain to them when struggling. Knowing the diagnosis means you immediately diffuse an aspect of a challenge. For me, that has been immensely valuable.

    Edit - wanted to add a common counterpoint is don’t let work know because you can’t predict people who will use your honesty against you. I will argue assholes are assholes and you can’t live your life at the possibility someone will be a dick. Most people are good people. Trust on that.

  • whoisearth@lemmy.catoADHD Women@lemmy.worldHow some of us found out...
    23 hours ago

    Devil’s advocate if you’re an adult and your QOL is fine DO NOT entertain meds without a clear understanding of what they do, what they solve and what you’re looking for.

    I got diagnosed at 40. I tried meds. First biphentin then concerta. Then I dropped it. What I need meds for is to assist with was negligible in my life with the exception of emotional regulation which they were making my life substantially worse. I’m successful in a career and as a father. I fail at relationships. I made the executive decision that meds are not for me. Psychology and CBT are far more valuable.