Oh what the fuck, dev came off like a fucking ass to a minor suggestion.
Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com/
Oh what the fuck, dev came off like a fucking ass to a minor suggestion.
What’s going on? I’ve seen this new browser engine referenced recently a decent bit but I have no info beyond ‘it’s new and exists’.
Oh wait you meant the other kind of bear…
OT but your sona is cute :3
Smh there’s no package, it’s a corn dog. Why are you over here getting yours from FedEx?
Thought that’s only if you c+a+d. If you ctrl+esc or bring up it any other way like right clicking the taskbar and hitting it in the context menu, that does not cause an interrupt.
afaik yada yada but the sauce is in cad
“unnecessary taxi rides”? Who the fuck is like “omg hashtag bored let’s get an uber to the park hashtag nature”?
“oh yeah, encrypt me daddy”
This is my pair as well
Yeah afaik their hands were tied with the Swiss incident. No VPN (or was it mail? it’s been a while, either way) is going to jail for a user.
My issue with that is, g didn’t have to buy yt. They chose to. They fucked it. They knew going in that yt was a money pit. They understood everything, and they still did it. The users expected a decent, not ad-riddled experience, with no paywalled features, as yt was 20 years ago. For me, when g cried ‘it’s so hard, it costs so much money’ I pulled out my tiny violin as they assfucked their users, when they realized it hurts to hemorrhage money.
That’s what you signed up for, g. You saw a lemon on the dealership lot, stated ‘I can fix that’, and then when you realized you can’t, you expect everyone else to chip in for the repair bills - by money, personal data, or both. Nah fam, that’s not how we do things round here.
infinity plus one
Condescending, then gets upset for being called out for it; then doubles down, instead of recognizing the problem is, in fact, being condescending. Which, to recap, you began and then continued.
Bravo, bravo slow clap. I almost feel like I should expect a shrill cry to speak to the manager or something.
With symbols in your VMs passwords?
I don’t believe so, no :/
That’s unfortunate :(