Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Nobody beats my high scores. Nobody.

    E: actually, some trivia. You have seen those “your speed” signs with an led readout? Now I can’t say how I know this, but - at least on some variants, models, etc - there is an upper limit/safety check. “if user’s speed variable is higher than X, turn off the sign, it’s malfunctioning” logic. So, just for a hypothetical situation, the assigned speed limit is 25mph but you go through at, I don’t know, let’s pick a number that is absolutely not what I tested, and say 60. The readout will reach that number as the user accelerates towards it, hit the upper limit, immediately shutoff, and will (afaik) need to be reset manually. Returning hours later reveals a dead readout. Returning a couple days later, oh hey it’s back.

    So we already have this, but it’d be nice to get scores higher than like ~40 over. And history, sharing…

  • Same. I did have a therapist a few years ago that I told some real bad shit to, but that was after a couple of years of building trust; I was still scared of getting a pair of grippy socks. I went to see them because of a… let’s go with a ‘stopped suicide attempt’. Stroke at a young age, fiancé left me, no hope, career goals shattered, physically fucked, financially ruined, etc so rock bottom was looking down at me like ‘damn bro I’m sorry’.

    A few close friends know things that others don’t, shit I’m not about to spill here. But it’s because they either have been in a similar situation and we have worked to keep each other alive and going, or they have degrees in the field of mental health and don’t mind trying to keep my head above water, or they are my (ex, current, etc) partner.

    There’s no fucking way I’m going to just casually be like “you ever just want to go to the roof, get right on the ledge, shoot yourself - and in case that doesn’t take you out, the concrete walkway at the foot of the 20 story fall will finish the job? No? Just me then? Ha, funny. I hate life. Haha.”

  • USAA does this. I renentl learned that, when I updated my password a few years back to my personal standard number of characters, everything was good until someone mentioned this fuck-up in a thread. USAA only checks the first… 16? characters. I assume it just discards anything beyond that. Other users say that it warns and doesn’t let you enter more than that during password creation, but it/my pw mgr sure didn’t care, as I have a password several fold that limit. I took out a couple characters from my ‘set’ password, and it still logged in just fine. 16, just fine. 15, error.

    Fucking wild.

  • Rebuttal/fact check:

    • they donate 0.0015% of every $10+ purchase you make, on a Shursday, when it’s raining meatballs; additional terms and conditions apply
    • [other company]: “we’ve never heard of them in our lives, but alright I guess?”
    • “here is the food we advertise! and here is the garbage we slap together next to the dumpster out back that we actually serve at our fine establishments!”

    Don’t trust anyone who needs to advertise. If they were actually good products/services, they wouldn’t need to advertise, as word of mouth and reputation does that for you. You don’t see any Rolls-Royce ads on primetime television…

    If you find yourself interested because of advertising, always, always be skeptical of all claims. Don’t just believe, but research, verify.

  • Oh hell no. You know how braindead most people are at something relatively simple like driving a car, managing finances, or logical decision making? And then you want to roll the dice and let potentially ‘the average’ citizen to partake in government? This also means you have to be fine with the dumbest motherfucker you have ever come across, making policy decisions.

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell naw. Fuck, we have some dense pieces of shit in govt/politics here in the states, but I know that we can do way, way, way fucking worse. Hell. No.