I think it would be a fantastic gift.
I think it would be a fantastic gift.
Gaslighting. Now when feds complain about loosing their jobs, trumpets will say they’re spreading fake news. Also, I know some feds who are also trumpets. Watching their brain explode isn’t worth the apocalypse.
The revolution could be bloodless if the billionaires allow it.
Doing the task should take as much effort as they are going to spend evaluating the task. Which means you should ask char gpt to write it for you.
Y’all, I just went on a mini deep-dive learning about pelicans, and TIL that when they yawn their spine comes out of their mouth. Also they do this to cool themeselves too. Videos were pretty nuts. Still pictures were just confusing.
I think it works either way. I mean that video of trump sucking elons toes was pretty close.
Do not connect to work or school WiFi networks?
Most versions I’ve seen of this picture mostly crop out Guyliner. Just the hand and front of his face are kept. Pretty funny.
Same. I see the wiki link, but those symbols mean nothing to me.
I need to understand the snake moustache. Is it a water breather so she can breathe above water while she feeds her children. She’s really pulling that overtime.
Also, who skinned the baby? He seems pretty unperturbed though.
Why isn’t this guy wearing a suit? Maybe h b doesn’t own one?
Do the next one about misconceptions surrounding small things. I e. Atoms vs molecules. Or living things, minerals vs bacteria vs viruses, rocks and coral.
This is really clever! Downvoted!
Copy. I thought it might be political because of the association of red and blue with Republican and Democrat in the US United States.
I agree with poster above. I also think his shoulders are a little more straight on in yours which makes him slightly more open.
I’m having a hard time resolving this in my brain. Is US two people sobbing or two people snogging?
I down voted both of you, sorry, sorry.