Another week another thread. Whatcha y’all playing? And why is it Baldur’s gate 3?

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    1 year ago

    The OG Splinter Cell. I modded my original Xbox not top long ago and am looking to play games on it so it wasn’t a waste so I figured why not give it a try?

    I am enjoying it so far but I’m used to playing the new Hitman games where the AI is rather predictable and I can gun my way out of most situations. I just beat the Kalinatek level and feel like I need to finish the game at this point.

    I don’t know if I need to play one game after the other to full understand the overall plot or what game I should stop at if I just want to play the best in the series.

    Not sure if I’ll play Baldur’s Gate 3 because I own the first two on multiple systems and haven’t beaten them

      1 year ago

      There is a bit of a continuing story in Splinter Cell, but for the most part, each one is its own story. I’d say I was fairly unimpressed with Pandora Tomorrow and Double Agent, but neither is bad. Conviction is very different from the games before it but still plenty of fun, and Blacklist somehow manages to marry Conviction’s gameplay with the classic gameplay of the series in a modern way, but Michael Ironside was battling cancer at the time, so Fisher was unfortunately recast. If you’re asking the average person which one is best, most will say Chaos Theory, and then you’ll get a contingent of people such as myself who prefer Blacklist, but CT is still great.

      As for the old Baldur’s Gate games, no better time than now to go through them. I’m inching closer to finishing 2 after beating 1 earlier this month. They’re great.