As the title goes - I think it’s a good solution for some of the Western World’s problems, like politicians not following their campaign promises. On the other hand, conflicting politics are a big possibility, which would create further problems. Any ideas?
People, at least Americans, today aren’t capable of it for multiple reasons, most of them systemic and intentional.
Decades of cuts to education and the social fabric have rendered most of the populace too ignorant about everything for giving them a say being a good idea.
Like term limits. How many people would vote for term limits without doing any research to find out they basically always make things worse because they keep out the people that want to spend their lives in faithful public service while there are no shortage of stooges corporations can push through.
So, you have the third of the country that voted for fascism. Pretty bad…
But then you have the other third that’s convinced voting for Democrats that spent 50 years empowering fascism will save them.
Then you have the third that’s completely disengaged because they don’t care.
Direct democracy can’t work as long as people believe capitalism serves anything other than the ruling class.
Yeah, the main issue about direct democracy is that real nationwide policies require specialized knowledge and education. It’s not possible for one person to know everything let alone a large nation.
Exceeding true which ends up meaning either technocratic democracy or representative Republic.
The techno route basically requires the best possible reddit where subject matter experts can weigh in and formulate options that are explained and then people can read the synopsis and vote. Idealistic but within the realm of doable.
Representative Republic would require wages comfortable enough to not compel corruption. I’d say no public trading but the stock market and all it entails are one of the largest sources of corruption. Market makers and every kind of derivative would have to go. The only thing that should be allowed is buying stock your support or selling stock you no longer want to own. Everything else is a haven for crime and theft against the working class.
But most of the problem with most solutions is that the bad guys have all the money and the masses are stupid and easily misled…
Yeah in a nation the size of the USA direct democracy gets messy. You need a smaller space with a more consistent culture for it to work well IMO.
Basically get something like reddit/lemmy as a social forum. You use it for business reviews, running for office, looking for jobs, raising issues and crowd sourcing solutions. Make it block chain with each state hosting a node. Make every user verified and use it for voting. It’s absolutely a solvable problem it’s just that all the money and power is actively working against progress.
I’ve been wondering if something like the United Countries of North America type of EU but that still leaves all kinds of questions about the military and how much blood the road from here will take.
Lol, no it isn’t a solvable problem, and let me be crystal clear here, techbros will never be able to solve this precisely because they think they can solve it.
I think you misunderstand. I don’t see that as the fix. A system like that would only work with an educated populace that understands more than the bare minimum to get by, if that.
The only real fix is a populace that can think critically and is informed, but even that’s not easily attained at this point as there’s so much money to be made with institutionalization.
Then yes I did misunderstand. I believe that democracy through the blockchain while a novel idea seems a bad idea to attempt IRL given who fills the cryptosphere.
Yes, it’s technically technologically tryable but not practically politically possible.
We (the people) desperately need to find a balanced solution, one that slowly makes people realize that capitalism hurts them, and that the only way is to make the richest people max. 3 times richer than the very poorest. And there should be a point where money is not a thing, anymore. However, that conclusion will only happen in decades, if not centuries.