In a just world, after this is all over members of the Knesset and IOF must be hanged for crimes against humanity and Israel should receive the Rhodesia treatment
I remember how German citizens were forced to see the concentration camps when the Nazis were defeated.
With that in mind, Israelis must be forced to see what they have done. All Israelis have to be forced to see the concentration camp. Conscript IDF members to dig bodies out of the rubble. Make them learn the names of the people they murdered. I don’t think support would be nearly as high if they were actually looking.
Sure there’s some psychopaths but I really think the majority are just indoctrinated and insulated. They could be reeducated.
They sit on hills in lawn chairs and laugh and cheer as they watch bombs land on children! They have no morals, they are evil and should be executed, they will not feel bad for what they’ve done
Imagine for a second what a mass execution on that scale does to the society that perpetrates it, especially those directly doing it. Killing hollows people out. No matter how justified. It hurts the person doing it. I mean thats an underdiscussed problem with the death penalty, the fact that it turns the executioner into a killer. I dont want to share space with someone capable of the coldness necessary to carry out state murder.
Its simply not practical, even if you think it is justified (and as a strict rehabilitationist, i would argue against that too).
Also institutions of mass execution have a way of self perpetuating.
Im fucking infuriated by this article too. And my first gut is blood for blood too. But when i think about the consequences of that, I know its not right.
In a just world, after this is all over members of the Knesset and IOF must be hanged for crimes against humanity and Israel should receive the Rhodesia treatment
I remember how German citizens were forced to see the concentration camps when the Nazis were defeated.
With that in mind, Israelis must be forced to see what they have done. All Israelis have to be forced to see the concentration camp. Conscript IDF members to dig bodies out of the rubble. Make them learn the names of the people they murdered. I don’t think support would be nearly as high if they were actually looking.
Sure there’s some psychopaths but I really think the majority are just indoctrinated and insulated. They could be reeducated.
They sit on hills in lawn chairs and laugh and cheer as they watch bombs land on children! They have no morals, they are evil and should be executed, they will not feel bad for what they’ve done
Imagine for a second what a mass execution on that scale does to the society that perpetrates it, especially those directly doing it. Killing hollows people out. No matter how justified. It hurts the person doing it. I mean thats an underdiscussed problem with the death penalty, the fact that it turns the executioner into a killer. I dont want to share space with someone capable of the coldness necessary to carry out state murder.
Its simply not practical, even if you think it is justified (and as a strict rehabilitationist, i would argue against that too).
Also institutions of mass execution have a way of self perpetuating.
Im fucking infuriated by this article too. And my first gut is blood for blood too. But when i think about the consequences of that, I know its not right.
empathy is one thing, mercy in a situation like this is altogether another
Its not even about mercy for the person who committed the act. I feel like what I wrote that should have made that pretty clear?