Please stop reporting all OF models as spam. If a post is off-topic, report is as off-topic. If community rules forbid OF models from posting, report that. If a user is flooding a sub with multiple posts a day in a row, that’s a legit report as well.

Otherwise a post by an OF model is not in and of itself spam, even if it is made by a <ferengi>female</ferengi> with the temerity to control her own sexuality.

    1 year ago

    Putting in effort doesn’t entitle anyone to get paid for anything, NSFW stuff or the widgets I make in my garage, or whatever. It takes someone willing to pay for it, even if there’s a free similar version of whatever somewhere else. Most communities I’ve seen here (and that other place) don’t specifically ban advertising so who cares? Don’t sub to communities and/or ask mods to modify rules.

    I’m not arguing with you or speaking at you specifically, but it seems like a dumb thing to get upset over. There’s many businesses I don’t work with because I don’t like them for whatever reason but I still see their ads all over. Same deal here, imo.

    (I’m not an OF model)