Am I the only one who thinks if the Democratic party couldn’t win this election it’s time for them to go the way of the Whigs? It seems obvious to me that this party has become a liability to this country and if they cared about it they would get out of the way and let a new party step up.
Due to our two party entrenchment this will be a gradual process and likely won’t ever result in a label change… but that (D) label certainly isn’t worth much these days.
Democrats are American moderates with a few left leaning politicians. There needs to be a 3rd party that is more left leaning to help balance the forever and gradually shift to the right the American political system is experiencing.
I can’t forsee a viable third party as long as the Democratic party exists. This is why I think they need to go. All a third party will do is split the vote. I would love to vote for an independent, but you’re always told that you’re “throwing your vote away.”
The “throwing your vote away” argument is a consequence of America’s winner takes all kind of elections. It allows for two parties to just become more and more extreme with one just being slightly better and them saying “vote for us or else”.
A 3rd party would help balance things out and make it so that people have more options. Of course, America would have to do away with the “first to 270 to become President” rule which is a very tall order admittedly. It’s not something I see happening anytime soon, even if Harris had won. The only short term solution I can think of, and by short term I mean I’m the next 2-8 years, is to vote for more independents in the senate and congress. It would force the eroding bipartisanship in American politics to make a rebound. Hopefully.
Dumbest god damn idea on earth. End the Republican party. Replace it with a real party for the Democrats, the conservative party, to lose to.
But there’s no elections anymore so it’s all fan fic anyway.
we’re faced with an opposition of 40-47% of reliable conservative/racist/misogynist voters, apparently.
couple with apathy: 20 million people who voted for biden didn’t vote for harris.
the only hope left-leaning polity has relies on the the combination of apathetic voters, liberal voters, and potentially populations further to the left.
this is undermined by the actions of the dnc, repeatedly. How do you reform it/overthrow it from corporate democratic neo-liberal or centrist policy to really change the system? I really don’t know.
I wish we could make a workers party (W) and have a slogan like. " put a W in congress for workers" or somthing like that
Like if we could do local small elections first then go national we might have a chance.
Agreed. The current party is trying to be a coalition that brings in folks from as far right as neocons like Dick Cheney to as far left as Andrew Yang (UBI) along with super progressives like the Bern.
I’ve said before that it naturally makes sense for it to split up based on that. I guess without systemic and constitutional reform, the new parties would have to cooperate and agree on e.g. a single candidate for President (maybe a multi-party group primary?)
But if we had a primary this year I feel like a candidate would have been chosen who could have won, so anything that forces primaries to occur (and allow voters more choice) is a good thing.
Party realignment is probably overdue, but it’s going to come with a lot of pain and weird elections. If you aren’t prepared for a decade of chaos, it’s probably not worth trying that route.
Have you looked around? We’ve been living in a decade of chaos and pain.
Republicans certainly agree with your sentiment. I can’t see any way that having only a single political party could ever go wrong.
Not so much just getting rid of the Democratic Party, but the whole 2 party system, “we vs. they” bollocks that just pits Americans against each other instead of representing our interests.
But a presidential election isn’t the time to build new viable political parties.
That needs to happen at the county and state level before it crosses state lines and goes national.
But it would take extraordinary courage and resources to break with such long standing institutions as the two major parties.
With corporations and increasingly wealthy oligarchs in control of broadcast, cable and social media, I don’t know how any meaningful movement could maintain both viability and independence, even if it had a strong start.
Remember so many movements like the Greens, the Reform, and the Coffee parties that just petered out to nothing or were absorbed or subsumed as tools by the major parties.
The DNC has always been a zionist supremacist fundraising organization, above a power seeking one. If Zionist supremacism fully rules America, then the only viable opposition is one who would seek to disqualify zionist supremacist loyal candidate from office and citizenship. Nationalize zionist supremacist tolerant media.
Strategy has to be to disqualify zionist, and other oligarchs who ally with zionists, money as treasonous and worth punishing.
That is the only possible path. Otherwise, elections literally become “who will be first to blow this donkey as a sign of loyalty to Israel”, and the most genocidal donkey suckers win, and DNC is happy to lose while sending more fundraising emails.
If the democratic party splits in any way, it will never win an election for the remainder of your entire life.
If the republican party splits between the GOP, MAGA, and the Christian fascists, it will never win an election.
Your proposal sounds dumb as fuck. Go away.
Why be so uncivil? Just disagree, make your argument (which you did) and leave it as that.
I’m uncivilized because I’m simply grumpy all the time; please accept my sincere apologies if what i wrote makes you feel things you don’t want to. No I’ll say whatever I fucking want. You don’t get to come here and tell people how to talk here or literally any-fucking-where else. Go away.
I never called you uncivilized that would be very rude.
I’m uncivilized because I’m simply grumpy all the time
“I’m rude because I’m simply an unhappy person and I feel the need to take that out on others.” Fuck you.
You don’t get to come here and tell people how to talk here or literally any-fucking-where else.
The sweet delicious irony of you saying this after calling OP’s proposal dumb. As if you have any qualifications or background to have any say on their opinion, not to mention to dismiss it entirely. Fuck you again.
Go away.
I’m sorry, you don’t get to come here and tell people they can or cannot be here. YOU go away.
Chortle my balls, you pathetic, insufferable cunt.
What flavor chortle?