I guess I messed up during the drying process. Such a beautiful cola, too, but I forgot to take a pic before I noticed the mold - at which point I just started peeling away chunks at a time ☹️

What a bummer.

    • <sub></sub>OP
      3 months ago

      Damn, yeah - we have some various allergies and sensitivities to molds ans mildews, so we didnt wanna risk it and threw it out right away. I also thought of a tincture or something - maybe alcohol would kill the shit tgat we’re worried about? Dunno. Thanks tho, I’ll have to look into that (even tho I hope this doesn’t happen again, it seems like it’d be useful to know)

      • SmokeyDope@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Thats a shame. Some lessons are best learned the hard way still sorry to hear your situation. You got this try again soon! Im sureyour next grow will dry better.

        In the case that you do end up with moldy nugs or trim perhaps consider your options a little more thoroughly do their best to turn lemons into lemonade. Throwing away all that kief and thc along with the moldy plant matter is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

        I order legal hemp trim in bulk. Its real cheap stuff 110g for 30$. You better believe theres moldy trim in there. Its meant for processing down into concentrate or cannaoil.

        Ive smoked at leasta zip of hash I made from moldy trim and ive eaten hundreds of cannaoil capsules made from moldy trim. I trust these methods enough to casually recommend them to anyone who isn’t immune compromised and wants to turn trash to stash.

        Perhaps you are both a little too concerned over mold and mildew allergy? If you or your GF have legitimate allergy issues to mycotoxins diagnosed by your doctor then thats understandable.

        However assuming you are just regular healthy people spooked by the idea of breathing in or ingesting moldy bud, theres two things to consider.

        *1. Theres ways to seperate the cannaoil out of the moldy nugs and trim while sterilizing any remaining spores

        *2. Mold and mildew arent actually that scary. A lot of fear hyped around them is based on misimformation. Most molds and mildews and spores are absolutely harmless to ingest and breath in at a base. We’ve been sharing the planet with mold and mildew and spores as long as our species has existed. Our ancestors often had to pick eating moldy food or starving to death. Mold producing penecilin was used to cure and preserve our meats. Our bodies generally know how to deal with it without fuss. Its the few bad toxic examples that give the whole lineage a bad wrap.

        The process of making bubble hash uses physics to seperate the good cannabanoid oil crystals containing thc from the plant matter. In this case moldy nugs but often enough moldy old trim also. The oil crystals is heavier than water so with some vigerous shaking in ice bath the crystals seperates from plant matter and sinks to the bottom. The plant matter including mold spores and mycelium is less dense than water so it floats to the top and can be safely skimmed out. You can even further wash the crystals after seperation until the water turns clear if it makes you feel safer. Then strain with bubble bags and you have yourself clean hash. Here’s the video I used for reference when I got started. The guy is old school and uses traditional method without bubble bags but if you really want to do this go on amazon and get some bubble bags they make life a lot easier.

        If you were instead to cook it down into cannaoil the heat of a simmer over a few hours would kill any mold and break down anexcellent mycotoxins making it safe for consumption. The Cannaoil cooking method I like to do actually has spraying the trim fown wth everclear alcohol before simmering.You strain out all the plant matter from the oil and its good to go.

        I think alcohol tincture would work well. From what I kbow of mycology you use alcohol to sterilize surfaces to reduce chance of contamination. Real mushroom nerds argue about which ISO alcohol is most effective at sterilization but if you’re doing tincture you best just use highest proof grain alcohol.

        • <sub></sub>OP
          3 months ago

          Thanks! Sounds like good info that I’ll look into - at a minimum, I still have future trims, if not trash