EUROPE: The rail industry has finally reached a 'turning point' which will facilitate the launch of new international passenger train operators competing with Eurostar on routes to the UK.
Getting rolling stock certified to the tunnel’s stringent requirements will be a challenge. There is no second-hand market (SNCF, who own a majority of Eurostar, have a policy of destroying old trains rather than letting them fall into the hands of competitors), manufacturers of units already certified for the tunnel have long waiting lists, and getting new units certified would take many years.
Getting rolling stock certified to the tunnel’s stringent requirements will be a challenge. There is no second-hand market (SNCF, who own a majority of Eurostar, have a policy of destroying old trains rather than letting them fall into the hands of competitors), manufacturers of units already certified for the tunnel have long waiting lists, and getting new units certified would take many years.
Sounds to me like wasteful bullshit regulators ought to put a stop to.