The Crucial Communism Teaching Act, also known as H.R. 5349, would direct the VOC Foundation to develop an educational curriculum it could offer to school districts to help instruct students on atrocities, both historic and contemporary, carried out by communist regimes.
Inspiration for the bill came to its sponsor, Rep. María Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., when she learned of a 2020 survey — published, as it so happens, by the VOC Foundation — showing that 28 percent of Gen-Zers and 22 percent of millennials held favorable views of communism.
In an attempt to round out the focus of the bill, Scott and other Democrats put forward an amendment that would add lessons about the dangers of fascism, but it was unanimously rejected by GOP committee members.
Despite the concerns of Democrats, the bill is expected to pass Friday with a healthy share of Democratic votes, according to Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa.
Really makes you wonder what they’d call what they’ve been teaching in American schools.
🎶 They say in Heaven, love comes first 🎶
🎶 We’ll make Heaven a place on Earth 🎶
In an attempt to round out the focus of the bill, Scott and other Democrats put forward an amendment that would add lessons about the dangers of fascism, but it was unanimously rejected by GOP committee members.
Despite the concerns of Democrats, the bill is expected to pass Friday with a healthy share of Democratic votes, according to Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa
They won’t teach about fascism but will spread lies about communism. Congress is really not beating the
Wishful thinking, but I hope it goes like DARE (convinces no-one, cool merch produced)
- “Crucial [Anti-]Communism Teaching Act”
- “VOC Foundation” (“Victims of Communism”, but was also the acronym of the Dutch East India Company)
- “Rep. María Elvira Salazar”
- “lessons about the dangers of fascism […] rejected”
Can’t wait to teach this curriculum. I think it’s about time we started actually teaching what communism is. Enough ignoring it! As an educator, and an American, I believe it is best practice to understand the core concepts of communism completely, in order to defeat it. To “know your enemy” as it were. Therefore my students will have a firm and thorough understanding of concepts such as class struggle, the labor theory of value, and dialectical and historical materialism. My students will then work together to create a mock communist government in our classroom where they will democratically lead their own learning. After my students internalize these concepts and put them into practice, the evils of communism will become clear to them. There is nothing wrong about this plan. And I in no way think this will backfire. Just like how the DARE program prevented me from doing drugs.