What’s something nice that’s happened for you recently?
I spent some time with a baby family member and the visit was a lot like this:
pretty good. just got back from a bike ride in the middle of the workday
Death to America
hell yeah how far did u ride and how was the weather
only rode for like 40 minutes bc i use bike rides as recovery exercise the day after soccer. the weather was fucking freezing but i have a balaclava so i was nice and toasty!
Death to America
I’m traveling and the place I’m staying turned out to be really cool. It’s like an old rural 19th century mansion converted into a motel and has some incredibly dark & spooky vibes going on. I haven’t seen any ghosts yet or heard any screams coming from the basement, but I’ll let you all know if I do.
Sounds like The Shining lol hope u like getting spooked!!
I just woke up so it’s all uphill from here
I’m always like this
I rode a train!
Bought a handheld gaming device fairly recently, a nice one. I know I’m gonna sound like an absolute crackpot by saying this but a lot of the impetus for getting it was about making some accommodations in my life and for (semi-)therapeutic outcomes.
No, I absolutely would not believe it if someone told me this either lol. And yes, there have already been some notable positive outcomes from this, which means that they are probably more significant than I realise cos I have this blind spot where I downplay positive outcomes that are personal to me and I’m usually the last person to notice improvements in myself.
It’s nice to know that my elaborate scheme seems to be a good one so far and that it’s already working as intended.