Howdy everyone!
My names Wren, I’m an aspiring writer and avid gaymer.
My pronouns are they/them
I’m not super good at the whole social media thing, but I’m trying to get better at it lol.
I’ll probably spend most of my time on here talking about what ever game I’m currently obsessed with or writers block, hit me up if you wanna chat or something!
Hi! Hexbear isn’t social media, more of a web zone.
Thanks for letting me know!
Just a silly joke. It is closer to like an older style internet forum than a modern social media site tho
Hi am Aki hoi hoi hoi 🐦🔥
Hey Gaymer, welcome to hexbear! What writing projects have you been working on? Anything you’re just randomly playing with for short stories or are you intricately building a whole world or something?
I’m currently trying to write out and set up a fantasy world where I can write up a very loosely built plot I’ve been thinking up in my head for years, I’m one of those people who can always come up with stories but never commit them to paper, hopefully setting up the world building before writing the actual story will help me out.
I’ve been there, heck I’d say I’m still there. I’ve mostly resigned to writing down whatever random thought strikes my mind as interesting and putting it on my pile of story ideas. So far that’s helped me start working towards actually assembling a world to start fiddling together, with most of my fantasy stuff taking place fight at the late middle age-early modern age area.
Working on transcribing my great grandfather’s memoir about fleeing from the british occupation of Ireland in the late 19th century and early 20th.
I will start posting excerpts as I finish them. I had started on my old PC and then it died so I gotta start over.
Dog that fucking sucks. thats why I’m deathly afraid of using my computer to do any writing. That and I’ve already been writing on paper for so long it’d be a pain in the ass to type it all up. just posted the first two pages
Hello and welcome!!!
So I have to ask… what game are you currently obsessed with right now?
Metaphor, my partner got it for me for my birthday and now that the college semester is over and I have time on my hands I can’t put it down.
Woah, this looks really cool. Maybe I should play this at some point? Looks like something I’d like.
I would highly recommend it if your looking for a game you can really sink your teeth into, I’ve enjoyed every second of it so far.
Welcome welcome!!
Hi Wren! I also like the games.
Awesome sauce! What kind of games are you into?
Mostly CRPGs but also other stuff. Right now I’m playing Cyberpunk 2077 but I also want to go through all 3 Witcher games and play through all 3 Baldur’s Gate games again soon.
Welcome comrade!
Thank you comrade!
Hello, Aventurine!