My reasoning is that the period is a “stronger” punctuation mark than the comma, and it should be used for the more important separation.
My reasoning is that the period is a “stronger” punctuation mark than the comma, and it should be used for the more important separation.
Celsius thermostats have temperature adjustments of 0.5° C. This is the first time in over a decade that I’ve dug up that memory.
Over 40 is deadly, 35-40 is very hot, 30-35 is hot, 25-30 is warm, 20-25 is reasonable room temperature, 15-20 is cool, 10-15 is chilly (threshold of winter layers), 0-10 is cold, below 0 is freezing, below -10 you need multiple layers, below -20 moisture will freeze to your eyebrows and eyelashes and you can feel the air sucking the warmth out of your body.