You know sometimes you’re thinking of something, not even saying it out loud, and then an ad for it pops up on your screen? There’s a claim that scientists have developed mind-reading nano particles that have been put in food and water, humans consume them and then they read our thoughts and of course, this being a capitalistic society, use our thoughts to try and sell us stuff.

What do you think?

  • Slavoj_Zuckerberg [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    There is no need to invent mind reading technology with nanoparticles and brain scanners, when there’s a very well known mind reading technology that delivers ads based on a set of just about every point of data ever recorded about you, which is shared and sold between every company you interact with. Of course they know you want pizza, you usually do on this day of the week when it’s rainy and your mother mentioned pizza in a text yesterday.

    You can buy these datasets yourself if you wanted to.