Frankly, my research into circumcision as an HIV prevention measure was a while ago and I took UNAIDS on their word for it. I believe this counts as talking out my ass and I apologize for that. Being corrected on this is something of a relief since it means one of the arguments in favor of circumcision being disproven.
Nah, it’s fine. I’m not mad. It’s not your fault that Western Imperialism has fucked everything up. The general Western medical consensus is more or less what you said.
I did want to mention that the “voluntary” medical circumcision in Africa is around aged 12, which isn’t exactly a good age of consent.
Give me a few minutes to find the research. I’ll tag you when I find it.
In the Kenya trial, the protective effect of circumcision seemed to disappear after 18 months. In the 18–24-month follow-up period, eight circumcised and nine uncircumcised males contracted HIV, an insignificant difference.
Based on our analysis it is concluded that the circumcision solution is a wasteful distraction that takes resources away from more effective, less expensive, less invasive alternatives. By diverting attention away from more effective interventions, circumcision programs will likely increase the number of HIV infections.
Frankly, my research into circumcision as an HIV prevention measure was a while ago and I took UNAIDS on their word for it. I believe this counts as talking out my ass and I apologize for that. Being corrected on this is something of a relief since it means one of the arguments in favor of circumcision being disproven.
I would love to read the research you mentioned.
Nah, it’s fine. I’m not mad. It’s not your fault that Western Imperialism has fucked everything up. The general Western medical consensus is more or less what you said.
I did want to mention that the “voluntary” medical circumcision in Africa is around aged 12, which isn’t exactly a good age of consent.
Give me a few minutes to find the research. I’ll tag you when I find it.
@[email protected]
Thank you friend!