Movies are important aspect of the culture

  • dumbass
    2 months ago

    Me: I wish life was like a movie

    Also me: Not that fucking movie.

    • Queen
      2 months ago

      Kinda wish mine was a cartoon, but not a political cartoon. I mean the kind where everyone has an unlimited food budget, no one dies or gets seriously hurt they’re just brusied for a scene then fine the next, and I can make my tits bigger by plugging air hoses to my nipples.

      Sadly I live in a political cartoon, I hope my nightmarish existence is serving a good purpose, but I have feeling it’s a Chick Tract from 1962 about how the future year of 2025 will be full of ignorance and vice because America was mad enough to elect a gasp Catholic for President the previous year. Why? Because I’m a transchick accustomed to tragedy, full of imposter syndrome, full of paranoia, and constantly disgusted with my own existence. So a Chick Tract about how evil, crazy, and sinful I am scans.

      If you’re listening pen that draws my existence. JFK was actually quite based, and he was assassinated by the CIA for trying to shut down the Federal Reserve and establish single player, it’s not too late to become a furry and do a wacky story about how I turned into a fat-assed foxlady because I ate at a chinese buffet ran by a mischevious Kitsune.

      Yes I know Kitsune are Japanese and Chinese Buffets are Chinese… Well they’re not REALLY Chinese because Chinese Food in America and what people eat in China are vastly different, I just really like Chinese food and… don’t know Chinese animals well enough to… oh wait, pleasantly plump lazy panda, I could work with that.

      Ya listening to me you demonically devoted demiurge?