Seriously who could have guessed? Sure it might not amount to much but even the fact that people are learning that what the US has been teaching it’s people about China has been mostly lies is amazing.

There is no way in hell this could have ever happened even when I was a kid. People were simply too racist. They still are, but the fact that even the slight reduction in racism we have in modern day is enough that Chinese people and Westerners are coming together and being cool with each other online is nothing short of a miracle.

No wonder the US hegemony hates teaching it’s people foreign languages, no wonder it encourages xenophobia, that barrier was so powerful in keeping people from learning first hand what Americas “enemies” are really like.

  • FemboyStalin [she/her,any]
    2 months ago

    I’ve been talking to trans people in China on that app. I think it’s an amazing place for cultural exchange. It’s been really nice to cut through orientalist propaganda to understand the ways that Chinese society actually is transphobic and not just the weird shit Americans make up about them. I recommend everyone at least download the app to talk to a few Chinese citizens.