Journalists: It appeared to be a South African karate chop of some kind
Punches In Afrikaans
If you went to college and knew any media majors you’d know exactly why media is failing us. Some journalists are the exception, obviously, but not the ones to whom you refer.
I figure ProPublica and The Lancet doesn’t feel the need to write about a Nazi salute we could all see for our own eyes, no investigative journalism necessary.
I didn’t know any media majors so maybe you could enlighten us.
It was the easiest degree to complete, so the majors were not the sharpest.
It has been maddening how corporate media has been trying to tell us it was anything but a Nazi salute. I’m reminded of the Star Trek episode Chain of Command Part II, “There are four lights!”
Imagine what else they’ve been lying about.
Lots of sex stuff with kids… some accidental murder and drug binges… the typical conservative stuff they project on others.
Those who can, do. Those who can’t, preach
That’s just rich people behavior.
Gell-Mann Amnesia effect
I studied Star Trek at university, taught the history of Star Trek on two continents and wrote for major newspapers about Star Trek. I am internet famous for fact-checking chuds on the history, ideology and policy of the Federation.
There are four lights.
Those chuds:
There are four parts!
it’s a joke about the movie Gaslight
White power is in the White House…quite terrifying and embarrassing
It’s been in the White House goddammit, they’re just being open about it now.
No one tell bro about Woodrow Wilson
Or Andrew Jackson.
Andrew Jackson deserves more hate.
Anyone who knows anything about the Native Americans, the Indigenous Critique, and their ideas of freedom’s profound influence on the European Enlightenment, should boil with hatred at what European Americans did to them.
It was built on that, better to get rid of it along with the pres and vp jobs
Everyone knows it was a Nazi Salute.
Nazi’s just denying it because 1) they are not quite at the point where they can sieg heil while marching down mainstreet just yet and 2) because it amuses them to see the left try to desperately convince them it was a nazi salute.
All your desperate justification, facts, evidence, etc?
It wont make a nazi not a nazi.
but it will amuse them, and exhaust you.
Its time to stop using words against nazis, and go back to using forms are communication that carry a more physical finality to their arguments.
Now each of us has to answer: are we going to sit down at the table currently seating
number of Nazis, and let it becomen+1
.Stop enriching this freak.
What facts and evidence can you provide that Musk did a Nazi salute?
My understanding is that a Nazi salute:
- Starts at the waist
- Is accompanied by the word “Heil Hitler”
- Is done in the context of some Nazi event
- Is not accompanied by the words “My heart goes out to you”
Am I wrong? Do you have facts and evidence that trump what I said above?
Oh right, cause it’s only a nazi salute if you announce at least three times like Beetlejuice that you’re a Nazi. Since he only did 2, I guess we’ll just never be sure … …? Or maybe this Or do these look the same to you -
Yes, those do look the same to me. Except for the starting hand position (Hitler did a fist, Musk did an open hand), but I don’t think that difference matters.
You are wrong about all points
If you’d like to know why please give us your full name and address and someone will be along to explain it in a language you understand
Are you threatening me?
I need TP for my bunghole!
You are wrong and also blocked for Nazi apologetics
Hey look, another sea lion!
Inventing a time machine that lets you go back and kill hitler before he gets in power is a very common power fantasy.
Time travel guy failed by a couple of centimeters.
Hey, nobody’s ever heard of Hans Sprechter in this timeline and that’s a win
Yet today when Americans have 2A and 11 guns per person instead of killing tyrants they’ll side with them out of convenience and self preservation. The apathetic centrist majority who think political illiteracy is the reasonable and sensible position are the biggest asset to fascism.
That’s the thing about the 2A-people, no matter how much you fantasize about taking on the government guerilla-style… with the two party system as it is, at least half of the people with guns will join the opposing side…
Unless, of course, you turn it into a matter of partisan identity and the other side willingly plays along, meaning it’s more like 60/30 in your favor.
The Great Man Theory take is that Hitler was saying and doing a kind of politics unique to his historical moment. He didn’t stumble into the right beer hall at the right moment and echo the sentiments of tens of thousands of his disgruntled military peers but transformed the popular views of a nation. His rhetoric was brilliantly gripping, rather than just heavily circulated. His political maneuverings were expert rather than just stubbornly persistent. His military strategies were the product of genius rather than meth and recklessness.
Go back in time and kill Hitler and you don’t fix the post-war disparity between the WW1 Axis and Ally powers. You don’t discourage re-militarization in a country overrun by US military contractors that saw massive profits in rearming the German state. You certainly don’t mitigate the impacts of the post-1917 wave after wave of Red Scares or keep Henry Ford from circulating “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in every Ford dealership on either side of the Atlantic.
At best, you spare Charlie Chaplain the shame of shaving off his tiny mustache. But there’s a strong reason to believe the post-Depression fascist wave that crested into WW2 was over-determined.
You wouldn’t stop WWII, but you would drastically change its nature.
Get rid of Hitler and you just end up with President Himmler instead. Virtually nothing else changes.
Says who?
History is not predetermined.
You can argue with a philosopher over that. But certain historical events can be over-determined, with enough causal factors prompting them that a given outcome is functionally inevitable.
Perhaps odds may favor “macro” events like “war”. They do not predict which countries are invaded, the brutality of the leader, the alliances, who the leader is, concentration camps, etc. but not a “Hitler”.
If you want to go back in time and prevent the Holocaust specifically, your time would be better well spent killing Henry Ford or Arthur de Gobineau or Martin Luther. Mass murder of Jews in Europe had been common place for centuries. It was a sentiment the Nazis capitalized on, not one they invented.
Similarly, if you wanted to deter shape of European politics that lead to the World Wars, temporal assassination of Bismark or Napoleon III would be far more effective. Those battle lines had been drawn well in advance of 1932.
He’s basically an edge lord 4-channer, Nazi saluting to: “own the libs” is sort of on brand.
I don’t think he’s a dyed in the wool Führer-lover. I do think he’s a hyper insecure, spoiled, man-child with enough ties to the far right to idolize “anti-social behavior” and think he’s the hottest shit ever to pull off such a “based” stunt.
A poser; doing loser shit opening the door for someone/something much worse because his idiot brain thinks he’s being cute.
You basically just described every fascist/Nazi ever while arguing that he’s not really a Nazi just “edgy.” Let’s not make this same mistake again, hyper insecure spoiled man-children with enough ties to the far right to idolize anti-social behavior ARE NAZIS.
I’m not excusing behavior, far from it, but I’m not sure our modern problem children can be described with an 80 year old German political party. Far right, white supremest extremism is a now problem. These losers don’t care if you call them a Nazi, it just means you “fell for it bro/got owned lib.”
Call them what they are, not what they want to be.
I am, they’re fascists, whatever colour shirt they’re wearing. And hard disagree that our modern problems can’t be described by old ones, what an ahistorical take.
I didn’t mean anything personal, just my point of view, any angry vibes were absolutely not headed your way. I just am a bit frustrated that this is the world we live in.
I can agree to disagree comrade.
Put it this way, if the forced labour camps were to start up tomorrow. Do you think this chud would be for or against them?
I’m not going to split hairs over what kind of fascist / fascism enabler he is. He did the salute, he boosts Nazis. Close enough.
but I’m not sure our modern problem children can be described with an 80 year old German political party. Far right, white supremest extremism is a now problem.
I’m confused - wasn’t far right, ‘aryan’ supremacy extremism a then problem too? Specifically 80 years ago in Germany?
I think the label “Nazi” is used not because it is the most accurate possible term, but because it communicates very efficiently.
I don’t think he’s a dyed in the wool Führer-lover.
No, of course not. He’s a dyed-in-the-wool Afrikkkaner. It’s a Dutch/English strain of Fascism far more in line with the American brand than the German/Nordic Central European brand.
A poser; doing loser shit opening the door for someone/something much worse because his idiot brain thinks he’s being cute.
A professional sycophant and corrupt corporate hack who has made a cool trillion selling exploding cars, crashing spaceships, and non-existent subway systems. He’s anything but a loser, as he’s perfectly hacked the modern capitalist system.
The Nazi pastiche he’s adopted is intended to keep those super-sized government contracts and cheap private loans coming. Same reason he pays teams of pro-gamers to run his video game accounts and throws the biggest, most debauched orgies in Silicon Valley or Austin, TX. Same reason he nearly killed himself and Peter Thiel doing burnouts in a brand new McLauren.
TrueAnon Podcast has a great three-part series “The Lamest Show On Earth” that takes a deep dive into Musk’s background. Does a great job of laying out who this guy is and how he’s successfully grifted his way to the pinnacle of the western business ziggurat. The most that can be said of him is that he loves to dominate other people. The explicit flavor of fascism is secondary.
You’re not wrong, a lot of these chuds, especially the tech bros, are obviously deeply insecure and have figured out they can’t buy authenticity and coolness with money or power. That’s where that brittle and mean bitterness they all have about other people living as they choose comes from. But it goes deeper than just emulating edgelords for kicks and covering up for their self-esteem issues.
Doing it and avoiding any tangible punishment or long term fallout demonstrates what a powerful, untouchable person he is to the boot-licking right wing base. The whole goal is to build an in group of followers that is protected with power and privilege (which ensures their loyalty) and this is a signal to them that he can do just that.
It’s also a demonstration of unity in having a common enemy, and being willing to do anything to “win”. Wether it’s politics or a culture war, being willing to escalate is seen as a marker of strength. It’s the only kind of political and social interaction they can understand.
You’re right that he’s likely not a hard core admirer of Hitler. It’s not about a particular political standpoint, it’s about having the power to do whatever he wants and making sure people know it.
Wrote up a summary months ago (with reputable sources!) and warned about Nazis too and was permabanned from Lemmy news and politics for it.
Idk man, you can tell people stuff, but it’s so hard for them to access what’s real right now. There’s a concerted online effort to suppress factual info.
Someone who doesn’t pick as many internet fights as me needs to post that to BestOfLemmy
The fact this is a debatable thing is the shame of humanity.
You know what’s even worst? ADL.
They are not the baddies because of a Nazi salute. They are baddies because of shitload of other things. Which I’m starting to think the Nazi solute is a distraction from. I see so many posts about the salute and the “Gulf of America” and about assigned-at-conception gendering, and almost nothing about the executive orders that actually have implications.
Finally, someone who gets it. I’ve been documenting all of this outrage on Lemmy over the last week and I’m gonna blog about how much real things we missed in the meantime.
Gish Gallop.
The opposition can’t get anything done if you produce an unending stream of nonsense for them to counter.
Also Bannon’s “flood the zone with shit”.
I get where you’re coming from, but if someone can get away with doing things associated with a group that’s shorthand in the West™ for the worst people in the world, I do think that’s a problem too.
I’m starting to think that doing enough Ketamine to take down a racehorse just before giving a speech to the entire world’s media, was probably not a good idea…
Being a Nazi doesn’t help either.
That had nothing to do with ketamine, Musk is just a nazi.
Always suspected Captain Obvious had a scholar background.
That’s Dr. Obvious to you!
It’s not a full on Nazi salute as the words „Heil“, „Heil Hitler“, or „Sieg Heil“ aren’t used. However, it is a full on salute in its tradition. A right wing oligarch holding a victory speech espousing conservative revolution and a glorious future are in the vein of the fascism of old.
Trumpism doesn’t need to even express itself as fully fascist. The popular support, the support of the tycoons of industry, institutional acquiescence, lack of organized resistance, means he doesn’t need to go full authoritarian.
The ideological flexibility of Trumpism is enormous. Allegiance to Trump and MAGA is pretty much it. The rest of the ideology is dynamically formed by sycophants looking for Trump‘s favor. The post ironic attitude means immunity to value based criticism.
Elon Musk is a mix of minister for propaganda and court jester at the same time.
I know I won’t change your mind by disagreeing with you regarding the nazi salute. But I want to say that I am very grossed out by all the apologists defending him, even just a little bit.
Just remember the quote, for evil men to succeed, good men just have to do nothing
The apathetic centrist majority who think political illiteracy is the smart and sensible position are the biggest asset to fascism.
Its real easy to be a centrist when it doesn’t directly effect you.
Or when you don’t realize that it already is directly affecting you because “They pay me well enough to keep me in a comfy box, I don’t have time to do anything or read or risk losing my job” while the ones they love are picked off one by one. Then when they come out the other side they go “How did all this happen? It was equally the fault of the radicals on both sides.” Thus the unenlightened centrist cycle will continue.
It’s not a full on Nazi salute as the words „Heil“, „Heil Hitler“, or „Sieg Heil“ aren’t used.
Oh, give me a break. There’s no vocal component to the salute. It’s a salute. You don’t get to say “No, it only counts if I say the words while I’m wearing the uniform, and I have to be goose-stepping while I’m doing it, too”.
No one cares. More important stuff is going on.
Logical fallacy: Argument from authority.
There’s a difference between an authority figure and someone with expertise in a subject. This individual isn’t using a position of power to supplement his argument, he is just detailing his experience.
People really need to stop treating logical fallacy like they’re harry potter spells.
(J) To emphasize the misuse of logical fallacies in recent history.
There’s a difference between an authority figure and someone with expertise in a subject.
By “authority” it means “authority on the subject”. A well known and respected physicist would be an authority on the subject or in the field of physics. The issue necessarily isn’t the lack of expertise but that the expertise shouldn’t be trusted blindly but rather the findings or argument should be verified.
Not that trusting the authorities on the subject is a bad idea especially when you are yourself not an expert. It’s more of a thing when trying to study something, figuring out proof of stuff and so on when you need to be aware of the potential issues.
I always thought that it meant: just because someone has authority over one subject, doesn’t mean they have it for another. Just because Einstein is good at math and physics doesn’t mean his quotes about philosophy and religion hold any authority.
No, it is just about the authority being used as the proof. It can be someone who is an expert on the subject (or not). See the example used in the Wikipedia article:
One example of the use of the appeal to authority in science dates to 1923,[31] when leading American zoologist Theophilus Painter declared, based on poor data and conflicting observations he had made,[32][33] that humans had 24 pairs of chromosomes. From the 1920s until 1956,[34] scientists propagated this “fact” based on Painter’s authority,[35][36][33] despite subsequent counts totaling the correct number of 23.
Einstein is an expert at math and physics but him being an expert doesn’t make something true in itself and we shouldn’t trust the claims etc. just because of his status. But if he makes a claim, it for sure has more merit than claim from someone not as authoritative on the subject.
I always thought that it meant: just because someone has authority over one subject, doesn’t mean they have it for another.
That can be part of it, but the definitional aspect of the fallacy is attempting to irrationally utilize it to define logical proof.
As in it wouldn’t be rational to utilize Einstein as an expert to prove something in religion.
However, you could still have a logical fallacy if you tried to appeal to authority/expert in their own field if utilizing their testimony is itself irrational.
For example any attempt to use personal testimony as evidence in the scientific method is an appeal to authority. For example It doesn’t matter what Einstein’s testimony is about physics, as personal testimony doesn’t fit within the scientific process. Utilizing someone’s personal testimony isn’t going to counter an observable phenomenon, or help anyone reproduce an experiment.
On the flip side, expert witness testimony can be used to bolster the body of evidence when it comes to the metaphysical. For example, it’s perfectly rational for a person who studies Nazi to list their experience when interpreting if something is a Nazi salute. As the only way to determine a Nazi salute from another movement is knowing the contextual history of the Nazi movement.
argument from authority, also known as an appeal to authority, is a reasoning technique that uses a person’s authority to support an argument, rather than their ideas. It can be a valid argument when the authority is an expert on the topic and their opinion is likely true. However, it can also be a logical fallacy if the authority is not qualified or the argument is unclear.
I’m not sure if you’re agreeing with me or disagreeing.
It can be a valid argument when the authority is an expert on the topic and their opinion is likely true.
I believe you are conflating authority with expertise. Authority means you have a position of influence over a body of people or knowledge. It doesn’t mean that you are automatically an expert or have real knowledge of the subject.
For something to be a logical fallacy it has to be irrational. Having someone quote their expertise in a subject doesn’t mean they are appealing to authority, they’re just aiding the body of evidence that supports their theory.
I think you are thinking about claims in the terms of the scientific process, which deals with physical sciences. When you should be interpreting this as a metaphysical debate or even a legal process, where the subject is based on interpretations stemming from social constructs.
Logical fallacies can be present in the physical sciences, but the scientific process is meant to minimize this. The problem with treating metaphysical things like interpreting political beliefs with the rigor of the scientific process is that it invalidates nuance and leads to things like Verificationism. Which is a theory of logical positivism that rejects all metaphysical beliefs including things like ethics.
I don’t know if you’ve read the Wikipedia article but their specific example is of someone who had authority in the field because of their expertise. It’s the expertise that gave them authority.
One example of the use of the appeal to authority in science dates to 1923,[31] when leading American zoologist Theophilus Painter declared, based on poor data and conflicting observations he had made,[32][33] that humans had 24 pairs of chromosomes. From the 1920s until 1956,[34] scientists propagated this “fact” based on Painter’s authority,[35][36][33] despite subsequent counts totaling the correct number of 23.[32][37] Even textbooks[32] with photos showing 23 pairs incorrectly declared the number to be 24[37] based on the authority of the then-consensus of 24 pairs.[38]
Authoritative person said it was so, people deferred to his expertise over findings arguing differently because they trusted his expertise on the subject.
For something to be a logical fallacy it has to be irrational. Having someone quote their expertise in a subject doesn’t mean they are appealing to authority, they’re just aiding the body of evidence that supports their theory.
It’s a fallacy when you use their expertise as the proof of something. Something is not true in the argumentative sense because someone is an expert, but of course in the real world if someone is an expert they know their shit better than most.
Authoritative person said it was so, people deferred to his expertise over findings arguing differently because they trusted his expertise on the subject.
Again, you are talking about physical sciences where the rigor of claims must first pass the scientific method. Personal testimony has no grounds within physical sciences, so the claim is irrational.
In physical sciences expert testimony does not add to the body of evidence, because testimony does not affect the observation of a physical phenomenon.
However, in metaphysical processes testimony is considered evidence, as it can shape the way people perceive the argument. In this case evidence isn’t absolute proof a physical phenomenon, it’s a bit of information that supports your assertion.
We are talking about a metaphysical problem where things like personal testimony are considered a rational argument.
Is it irrational for a court of law to call upon an expert witness? Or should all personal testimony be labeled as an irrational logical fallacy?
It’s a fallacy when you use their expertise as the proof of something. Something is not true in the argumentative sense because someone is an expert, but of course in the real world if someone is an expert they know their shit better than most.
No, it really isn’t. A fallacy is defined by a failure of rationality or reasoning. At what point is an expert on Nazis interpreting something as a Nazi salute a failure of reasoning?
Utilizing your interpretation, how would someone define a Nazi salute? Is there a scientific formula to determine if someone is a Nazi? Or would you have to study Nazis and their beliefs and use that information to make an educated determination?
In this case I would say you’d have to have an expert’s opinion. So stating you are an expert and giving your opinion is a perfectly logical and rational argument.
also the fallacy fallacy would fit perfectly here. Even if the fallacy was occurring that doesn’t mean the argument is wrong.
Yep, you can illogically come to a conclusion and still be right. That’s basically how intuitive thought is defined.
Logical fallacy: Fallacy fallacy
Look who learned the world fallacy today. Still you’re using it wrong
Can someone, who believes this is a Nazi salute, explain to me what his motivation would be? I see what I see but I can’t see it as a nazi thing unless he was intentionally sabotaging or trolling but it doesn’t make sense contextually, unless I need to watch the whole damn thing to get it.
Musk has been Nazi friendly for years now. Including some pretty antisemitic shit he’s boosted.
Then there were the swastikas in the SpaceX and Tesla breakrooms.
Add to that, the fact the Musk is a dumbass who only thinks he’s smart… And yeah. He thought he could get away with it.
swastikas in the SpaceX and Tesla breakrooms
I had not heard of this.
He has gotten away with it, and will get away with it. What, you think investors will choose principals over money?
The purpose of doing a Nazi salute so publicly, in the context of “saving civilization,” does the purpose of a dog whistle but with the subtlety of an air horn. It’s to send out acknowledgment to Nazis, a gesture of solidarity, that he’s on their side and wants their support/approval. You would think this would be sabotaging the system if Naziism was in fact against their ideals and was bad optics. Nowadays the only excuse they need to be a Nazi is to “trigger the libs” so you’d be safe to say that nothing will come of this, people will shake their heads and wag their fingers but will still do business with him because money. So he’s cashing in, he knows probably better than anyone that the Nazis have, in fact, successfully taken over the American government. Well done, Americans.
The whole damn thing is like a 4 minute speech. Might be quicker to just watch the whole damn thing here:
My point is that there isn’t enough context or there is nothing in context that can explain it. Thanks for posting though for anyone who needs to see that.
I think this is Elon trolling and pushing the boundaries of what can be done. It‘s being edgy and provocative, while obfuscating his true intentions.
Elon used a fascist salute twice in public on stage to thunderous applause. Now he gets the support of the actual fascist right. However all he mainstream republicans in the audience who cheered now have to defend him as well. This will have no consequences for Elon. It was pure demonstration of his power to do whatever he pleases, both to his side and to the opposition. This also gives Elon attention and amuses him.
Elon might call this salute the heart (of America) salute and repeat it in the future. Any other rightwinger who loves trolling the libs now has a role model. Salute from the heart, such a harmless gesture, and it gets the normies all upset. Do it as a laugh first and then for real over time.